Childbirth is a critical period of one’s life, from the start of pregnancy to the birth of a new being. All the stages of pregnancy are important; however, during the third trimester, as you approach your due date, you might feel a little more of all the feelings, like a little more concerned about the delivery process and a little more excited to meet your baby.

In addition to the emotional aspects, it’s also a time when parents may consider practical preparations for the future. One important decision to make is whether to invest in stem cell banking . Stem cells, found in umbilical cord blood and tissue, have incredible potential for medical use. They can be preserved and stored through stem cell banking, offering a valuable resource for potential future medical treatments.

Have you been wondering about different delivery methods, like normal delivery and vacuum-based? This blog post has got you covered to understand every concept related to normal and vacuum delivery.

Understanding Normal Delivery

The normal delivery or the natural birthing procedure is the passing of the fetus through the birth canal. Normal delivery, also called vaginal delivery, is one of the commonest methods of giving birth. It is accompanied by the onset of labor that is described as regular, painful uterine contractions resulting in progressive cervical effacement and dilatation. These stages of labor are integral components of the pregnancy stages , highlighting the transformative process leading to childbirth. There are three main stages of labor:

Stage 1 – Opening of the cervix

Stage 2 – Birth of the baby

Stage 3 – Uterus pushes out the placenta

Advantages and Disadvantages of Normal Delivery

Let’s understand the advantages and disadvantages of normal delivery:


  • Encourages natural birthing process
  • Typically fewer postpartum complications
  • Promotes immediate bonding between mother and baby
  • Lower risk of respiratory issues in the baby
  • Faster recovery time for the mother
  • Shorter hospital stay


  • Potential for prolonged labor
  • Increased physical strain on the mother
  • Risk of perineal tears
  • Possible stress for the baby during the passage
  • Higher chance of needing an episiotomy

Understanding Vacuum Delivery

Vacuum delivery, a medical intervention in childbirth, involves a vacuum device to assist the baby’s exit from the birth canal. This method is typically employed when labor stalls or the baby shows distress. It’s a strategic choice to ensure the safety and health of both mother and child.

The impact of vacuum delivery on baby development is a critical consideration. While it’s generally safe, careful monitoring is essential to mitigate potential risks. This technique underscores the importance of medical advancements in safeguarding the health of newborns during the critical stages of labor.

In addition to the discussion on vacuum delivery, it’s important for expectant parents to be well-informed about the various stages of pregnancy and childbirth. One useful tool in this regard is a pregnancy calculator , which can estimate the due date based on the first day of the last menstrual period. This calculator takes into account the average length of a menstrual cycle and provides an approximate timeframe for the baby’s arrival.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Vacuum Delivery

Now, let’s see the benefits and risks of the vacuum delivery method.


  • Useful in prolonged labor stages.
  • Reduces the need for a cesarean section.
  • Shortens the second stage of labor.
  • Vital in emergencies for the baby’s health.
  • It can be a relief for mothers exhausted from labor.


  • Potential scalp injuries to the baby.
  • Risk of maternal tissue damage.
  • There is a slight increase in the risk of jaundice for the baby.
  • Possibility of minor skull fractures.
  • Increased chances of postpartum hemorrhage.

Wrapping up

In summary, childbirth encompasses options like standard and vacuum delivery, each with distinct benefits and risks. Whatever the delivery method, securing your little one’s life from external threats, like severe diseases, is essential. Cord blood stem cells are one of the best investment options that can protect your baby’s life in the future with their regenerative power. Cryoviva can assist you in navigating the path to storing and preserving the baby’s stem cells through umbilical cord preservation at our high-tech facilities. Visit our website and connect with experts today!