Do Septic Tanks Drain Into The Ground?

The septic tank is part of a wastewater treatment system that uses biological decomposition and drainage processes. The septic tank is an underground rectangular or circular container made of fiberglass, plastic, or concrete. More than 60 million Americans use septic systems to dispose of household waste. Septic system maintenance is necessary for its smooth functioning and longevity. Professional plumbers in Sparks recommend annual septic system inspections for pumping and required repairs and replacements. Delaying necessary inspections can cost thousands of dollars of repairs.

Here’s How The Septic Tank Works

Septic tanks drain into the ground, not directly but eventually.

A septic tank has three layers. The first layer is the top scum layer which holds grease, fats, and oils. The second layer is the fluid wastewater layer exiting the tank through a pipe, and the third layer is the sludge layer which holds solid waste at the bottom.

When wastewater releases into the septic tank, grease and oil float to the top while solid waste settles at the bottom, where healthy bacteria break down the solid waste turning it into liquid waste that flows onto the leach field, where it is absorbed into the ground through a series of perforated pipes. The wastewater is filtered through the soil treating and dispersing it to seep into the ground. In addition to absorbing nutrients, the soil naturally removes bad bacteria and viruses.

Things You Should Not Put Into Septic Tanks

• Diapers and sanitary products
• Disposable wipes
• Grease and fats
• Paint and chemicals
• Cat litter
• Cigarette butts
• Coffee grounds
• Fabric and clothing
• Bulky items

Moreover, keep the septic tank area clean of grass and trees, damaging the tank and pipes because roots can clog the field. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, putting hazardous substances down the drain can destroy the colony of healthy bacteria in your septic system that breaks down the household waste and maintain the smooth functioning of a septic system. This could affect your septic system leading to expensive repairs and replacements.

Problems like drainage overflow and toilet backup can occur in low-maintenance septic systems. Hiring a qualified plumbing repair contractor in Reno NV, is necessary for the permanent solution. Also, choose septic tank-friendly cleaners that do not interfere with the working of healthy bacteria.


Regular pumping and maintenance ensure the peak performance of your septic system. Hiring the best septic system services in Reno NV, is necessary for routine inspection and pumping. When wastewater and material leave the house and empty into a septic tank, natural processes begin to break down the material. You must ensure cleaning chemicals don’t interfere with the process because this could cause clogs and other expensive repairs. A well-maintained septic tank goes a long way in delivering peak performance or decades of trouble-free service. A failed wastewater system can cause untreated waste to move to the wrong places.