Service and freight elevators have many crucial differences that are important to remember when assessing your elevator needs for your future design, whether you’re contemporizing a space or starting from scrape with new construction. The cargo freight elevator company in Pakistan to go for is Hub Elevators.

Do you ever watch pictures and cringe when people inaptly relate to service elevators as freight elevators? I can’t be the only one! I realize that, except for many people outside the elevator assiduity, utmost can’t tell them piecemeal. That, my musketeers, is about to change!

This blog aims to inform the anthology of the differences between service and freight elevators. By the end of this article, you’ll cringe along with me at some examples and improve your elevator etiquette when using the world’s most popular vertical mode of transportation.


Freight elevators are designed to haul, well, freight, of course. The doors are a crucial visual indication to secerning a freight elevator from a service elevator. Freight elevator doors usually open vertically, although some older elevators may have wooden gates instead of solid doors.

Why vertically open doors?

The main goal is to maximize the size of the freight being loaded into the elevator while minimizing the required hoistway space to accommodate it. Vertical sliding doors bear new space on each side of the entrance to house the doors when open. Vertical doors are also limited in how broad the access can be.

Although the surface of a freight elevator door may match the lobby’s appearance, the interior of the elevator is designed with durability as a priority, rather than aesthetics.   The reinforced door and sturdy walls of the freight elevator help minimize damage and downtime, while the non-skid flooring improves safety for high-risk projects.

The design of the freight elevator, including its perpendicular sliding doors, allows for a full-range opening, maximizing the elevator’s usability. It also eliminates the possibility of hitting and implicit damage to the doors during loading and unloading. The wide-range door and loading dock enables the easy and efficient loading of freight from various vehicles such as wagons, pallet jacks, forklifts, trucks, vans, and trailers.

Additionally, designers create freight elevators to transport specific types of cargo that typically have much heavier weight requirements than a standard passenger elevator, along with the operators needed to run it.


People occasionally use the term ‘freight elevators’ incorrectly when referring to service elevators. However, people typically use service elevators to transport workers, light-duty wagons, or small loads, rather than heavy goods. Utmost service elevators have horizontally opened doors like a traditional passenger elevator and good innards.


Features that make these elevators differ.

Mixing up a freight elevator with a service elevator is easy, but several defining features separate the two. A service elevator is an upgraded passenger elevator generally located in a hand-only structure area. While a freight elevator may have perpendicular doors, a service elevator has traditional vertical doors.

Exemplifications include the large elevators in a sanitarium or housekeeping elevators staff in a hostel. These elevators must be broad and deep enough for considerable particulars like sanitarium beds to fit comfortably.

Creators designed service elevators to offer people and goods a convenient mode of movement without disturbing guests or visitors. In hospitals especially, transporting essential accouterments and outfits without interruption is necessary.

Regardless of the type of elevator you need, it’s essential to ensure that your structure complies with the relevant codes and standards. Hub Elevator is happy to help you and let you connect to the best elevator options.

What are the dimensions of a freight elevator?

Freight elevator dimensions and capacity will vary depending on your needs. The minor freight lifts measure less than 6 feet by 8 feet inside and can hold 4,000 pounds; The largest freight elevator measures approximately 12 feet by 17.5 feet inside and has a weight capacity of 15,000 pounds, with a minimum depth of 51 inches and a width of 68 inches.

If the elevator’s door is a central opening, there must be a width of at least 80 inches. We always make sure that commercial elevators are easily accessible to visitors.

HUB ELEVATORS is the best elevator service provider in Pakistan

They get your elevators and escalators installed at the best possible rates concerning quality. We import our elevators from well-known manufacturers, such as FUJI. Not just that, they provide exactly what your business or residence needs. From dumbwaiters to cargo freight elevators, Hub elevators have git a solution for lifts of all kinds.


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