The Dharavi rehabilitation project that the Adani Group is undertaking is an enormous initiative that can potentially turn one of the biggest slums in the world into a vibrant mixed-use town. In addition to delivering much-required housing and infrastructure, the project has committed to implementing various environmentally conscious activities that will assist in lessening its adverse effects on the surrounding ecosystem.

Using environmentally friendly building supplies is one of the most essential eco-friendly aspects of the Adani Dharavi project. The project will use recycled materials wherever feasible and investigate the possibility of using novel and cutting-edge materials that have a less negative effect on the environment. For instance, the project contemplates using fly ash bricks manufactured from a waste product that results from coal burning. Bricks made from fly ash are not only better for the environment than regular bricks, but they are also more complex and more long-lasting than traditional bricks.

The Adani Dharavi project will contain various energy-efficient components and use environmentally friendly materials in the building’s construction. The project will create renewable energy by installing solar panels on roofs and replacing all existing lights with LED lighting.

The Adani Dharavi project is also dedicated to creating an environmentally friendly community that prioritizes wellness. In addition to including a variety of parks and other green areas within the development, the project will also include tree plantation at various locations.

The Adani Dharavi project is a significant endeavor that can contribute considerably to the greening of Mumbai’s environment. The commitment that will be made to sustainability by the project is a step in the right direction toward making the city more ecologically friendly.

Examples of Adani’s green projects 

  • Construction that uses recycled resources, such as fly ash bricks and recycled steel, among other things.
  • The generation of clean energy by placing solar panels on the tops of buildings.
  • Installation of LED lights across the whole of the complex.
  • Rainwater collection and the deployment of other water-saving measures.
  • The establishment of parks and other open green areas at various points during the development.
  • The establishment of a tree-planting program across the product.
  • The story of a neighborhood that is accessible by foot and bicycle.

A more in-depth examination of Adani’s environmental commitment in Dharavi

The Adani Group’s dedication to responsible environmental management is readily apparent throughout the Dharavi rehabilitation project. In addition to the environmentally friendly actions discussed previously, the project is also implementing various additional steps to lessen the impact it will have on the surrounding environment.

  • Waste management: The project will adopt a comprehensive waste management system that includes trash segregation, recycling, and composting as part of its initiatives. This will contribute to a reduction in the quantity of garbage that is transported to landfills.
  • Air quality: During the project’s building phase, dust suppression techniques will help reduce the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere. Additionally, to assist in improving air quality, the project will include the planting of trees and other types of flora.
  • Noise pollution: To reduce the noise pollution caused by this project, noise-reducing construction techniques and equipment will be used. In addition, the project will construct building operations in places not close to critical regions, such as educational institutions and medical facilities.

In addition to these particular precautions, the Adani Dharavi project has reaffirmed its commitment to complying with all environmental laws and regulations that are currently in effect. Additionally, the project is collaborating with local environmental organizations to guarantee that it will be planned and constructed in a manner that considers the surrounding natural environment.

The Adani Dharavi project is a significant endeavor that can contribute considerably to the greening of Mumbai’s environment. The commitment that will be made to sustainability by the project is a step in the right direction toward making the city more ecologically friendly.

A community benefit resulting from Adani’s commitment to the environment in Dharavi

The operations that will be implemented as part of the Adani Dharavi project will benefit the environment and the people in the area. For instance, the project’s use of recycled materials will contribute to developing employment opportunities in the regional recycling sector.

The installation of solar panels as part of this project will assist the community in becoming less reliant on the usage of fossil fuels. Residents will have places to unwind and breathe fresh air thanks to the construction of parks and other green areas in the project.

The green measures that will be implemented as part of the Adani Dharavi project will contribute to developing a more habitable and self-sufficient community in addition to these immediate advantages. The citizens’ quality of life will be improved thanks to the project since it will assist in lowering the levels of pollutants in the air, the noise, and the water. In addition, by cutting emissions of greenhouse gases, the initiative will contribute to reducing the negative consequences of climate change.


The Adani Dharavi project is a shining example of how a large-scale development may be planned and constructed ecologically and socially responsibly. The project’s dedication to sustainability is an encouraging step toward realizing a future for Mumbai that is both more livable and environmentally sound.