How Can I Get A Higher IELTS Speaking Score? But with confidence in the hard work you have put in, it can be an opportunity for you to show the examiner just how far your English language skills have come.

Get a Higher IELTS Speaking Score

The speaking part of your IELTS test can be a scary sight. How Can I Get A Higher IELTS Speaking Score? But with confidence in the hard work you have put in, it can be an opportunity for you to show the examiner just how far your English language skills have come. You can also consult to overseas education consultants.

What do you meant by IELTS Speaking Exam?

Before we get into any suggestions, it’s a good idea to walk through the three main components of the IELTS talk section.

Part One – This is where you can answer questions about yourself and your family.

Part two – here you will give a one – to – two talks on a topic given to you by the examiner.

Part three – you and the examiner will have a longer discussion on the topic presented in part two.

Now let’s take a look at my top tips for boosting your performance in the speaking area of your IELTS exam.

Facts to follow to get Higher Score in IELTS Speaking Exam

1. Try to settle down at the time of Preparation

Most language beginner would concur that speaking is the most demanding ability to master. You need to make straightforward sentences, think of the right vocabulary and correct pronunciation, avoid direct translation from your native language, convey the right message, use the right tone and connect your ideas in an organized way. A bit awesome! You can also join IELTS coaching in Jaipur for preparation. Coaching will help you in getting good score in IELTS speaking test.

With so much in mind, it will not be easy to relax, but it is important to remember that the examiner is not on your mistakes, but on the positive aspects of your speech. They are there to see what you can do, not what you cannot, and they will try their best to make you comfortable. Believe of it as a little chat with a companion. It’s about communication – something you get used to doing every day.

Also, remember that you have not been assessed on your knowledge of specific topics. IELTS topics are based on your life, experiences and ideas. Most people love to talk about themselves, so just relax and do your best. There is no right or wrong answers!

2. Expand your response

Speaking at length is an opportunity to show how fluent you are. Learn to give reasons for your answers. If the researcher continues to ask ‘why?’. You are not explaining enough. Fluency is one of the four IELTS assessment criteria, and to become fluent, you need to maintain a good flow of speech. So don’t get frightened to say too a lot!

3. Practice to speak in one minute

In part two of the speaking section – where you discuss a specific topic – the examiner will give you a minute to prepare your talk. Use this time wisely!

Don’t worry if you don’t know the subject; you can make up a story, or put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and tell the story from their point of view. For example, if you need to talk about a sporting event you attended, and you are not a sports fan, you could put yourself in the shoes of a friend who is a sports fan. , and talk about their experience as if it were yours possess. There is no right or wrong answer; you only evaluate it according to your speaking skills.

The expected points you cover will be displayed on a cue card, so I recommend using your one minute to write down keywords quickly (sentences take too long) on the your notebook, for reference if you get caught. You can add extra points in case you run out of things to say. For a proper fluency score, you need to keep going without making too many stops, so these notes will come in handy!

4. Do not try to remember!

Speech section questions follow a common pattern. In part one, you will be asked about personal topics, such as your hometown, work or hobbies. Part two focuses on your experience, so you could be describing a place, person or thing. In part three we discuss your thoughts on the topic from part two.

While it certainly pays to equip you with appropriate vocabulary and common phrases and expressions (common word group), it is important not to memorize large chunks of speech. Investigators are trained to identify memorable responses, and will identify you for this.

Instead, I suggest learning the vocabulary of the day, by collecting words in categories, such as sports or film. This approach can help you improve your vocabulary for other sections of the IELTS test – and the wider your vocabulary, the better your score!

5. Speak unmistakably and at a usual rapidity

Try not to tear your speech apart. Speaking too fast does not improve your fluency score, which can lead to more mistakes. Instead, stay calm, speak clearly and keep your pace. And don’t worry about your taste; all flavors are welcome in the IELTS test. Just be assure you utter your words accurately.