Everyone makes wrong decisions from time to time, and it is ok to make changes when you realize the wrongs. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides the participants with a wide range of support, and it is essential to put all the funding to good use. Your service provider plays a vital role in guiding you about the use of funding, and if you don’t have that right, you might end up wasting all your funding that could be used better.

NDIS allows you to change your service providers any time you want and gives you full control over hiring new service providers. Many registered and unregistered providers are offering disability support in Sydney. You once need to establish whether you want to hire a registered or an unregistered provider for the job. Following are some tips to help you go through the switching process easily.

Talk to Your Provider

It is important to first talk to your current provider before you go on and change them. Tell them that you are thinking of ending your agreement with them and you will stop receiving their services after a specific date. This can also help you clear out your problems with the service provider, and they might offer you a different and better agreement containing more support. If they are able to solve your problems, you can quit the idea of switching service providers and stick to your current one.


You should look at the service agreement and look through the terms and conditions. You need to read the part where the termination of the contract is explained. There must be some things you need to do before cancelling your agreement, like a notice period and the cancellation fee you might have to pay if you cancel the agreement early. Read your copy of the agreement thoroughly and take care of these things beforehand.

End Your Service Booking at MyPlace

MyPlace is a digital portal created for NDIS participants and their service providers. Once you get into a service agreement, the service provider adds service bookings to your MyPlace portal. You need to end your service booking on the portal as well when you end your service agreement with your provider.

Find New Provider

You need a new provider to keep getting access to your NDIS support. Once you have ended the agreement with your old service provider, you can finally start looking for a new one. Do your research about different service providers nearby, you can also ask other NDIS participants, or you can take the list of registered providers and find the right one with the help of NDIS. Compare their services and prices before making a decision. You can also ask your family and friends to help you in the selection process because it can be daunting, and you don’t want to repeat the same mistakes.

Look at Reviews

Every service has reviews on its website (at least all the reliable ones do). Look through those reviews to check how they work for the participants and what others have to say about their services. You can also seek professional help by asking your support coordinator to help you find the right service provider, as they have extensive knowledge about the industry and they must also have some connections. It is better to take help than to work alone and regret it later.

If you want to hire a dependable service provider for disability support in Sydney, reach out to EnableU. They are registered providers and have experienced support workers to help you become independent.