Whenever we are on the Bigpond email site creating a new email account there is a process of validating the user Bigpond email address. With the validation, it will ensure that the account is correctly connected and will also help the user afterward if there is any necessity to make changes to the account.

Below we have mentioned the steps on how a user can validate their new Bigpond email address.

  • Use your username and password to access your Bigpond account.
  • Choose “My Account” or “Account Settings” from the menu.
  • Choose the “Create New Email Address” option under the “Email Accounts” section.
  • Create a new Bigpond email address by following the on-screen instructions.
  • Upon the creation of your new email address, Bigpond will send you an email including a validation link.
  • Your new Bigpond email address must be validated by clicking the validation page.
  • You can copy and paste the validation code from the email into the validation area on the Bigpond website if the link doesn’t work.
  • Once your email address has been verified, you should be able to start sending and receiving emails with it.

With that given process users will be able to easily validate their Bigpond email account. Users can connect with Bigpond Customer Care Number if the user has any further questions about the email client.


More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-australia/