Here’s an article about how much the visa fee for Umrah from the UK is. Our travel agency also offers Umrah Packages from Manchester. The Saudi Arabian government has told people how to apply for an Umrah pilgrimage visa and how much it will cost for the 2023 season. Also, you can now apply for an Umrah visa for the year after this one. Umrah is a religious trip to Mecca that Muslims can make any time of the year. On the other hand, the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca must be done on certain dates set by the Islamic calendar.

Muslims who are healthy and able must perform Hajj at least once in their lives. Umrah is shorter than Hajj, which can take several days. It is made up of two main rites and can be done in a few hours. Tawaf means going around the Kaaba, which is the building in the middle of the Great Mosque. Sai means going between the Safa and Marwa hills on the Mecca site. Most trips end with Halq, which is either a partial or full haircut.

What Does the Saudi Umrah Visa Cost?

Saudi Arabia’s government says that the cost of an Umrah visa has gone up to about 300 SAR ($103). Also, it was recently said that the old fee of 2,000 SAR (about $533) for doing Umrah more than once in the same year no longer applies. Pilgrims can now travel as much as they want in one year without having to pay for more visas. But in order to get an Umrah visa, you must have already made plans for where to stay and how to get to Saudi Arabia.

Because these appointments must be made first, the initial cost of applying for an Umrah visa for each person, including children, could be closer to 1,210 SAR (US $323). At this time, it is also important to apply for an Umrah visa through a travel agency that has been approved. Applicants must tell the agency where they will stay and how they will get there so that the agency can apply for a visa on their behalf. The government has been planning for a while to make it easier for pilgrims to apply for an Umrah visa by making it possible to do so online. However, the online system has not yet been launched.

The New Umrah Tourist Visa in Saudi Arabia

  1. An online Umrah visa application isn’t yet available, but Saudi Arabia just put out an online tourist visa that people from certain countries can use to do Umrah. With the new visa, tourists from outside the country will be able to visit for the first time.
  2. People from any of the 51 countries that can now get an electronic Saudi visa can apply online in just a few minutes. Those who are approved will get an authorized e-Visa by email, so they won’t have to go to an embassy to apply.
  3. An approved tourist e-Visa for Saudi Arabia is a travel document that can be used more than once and is good for 90 days from the date it was issued. This means that while the visa is active, you can use it to go on an Umrah pilgrimage and take a vacation around the country.
  4. People who are eligible for the online visa don’t have to go through an agency. They can fill out the application and send it on their own. As a result, the cost of obtaining a tourist visa is less than the original cost of obtaining an Umrah visa.

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