Nesting season is upon us, and if you’re like most homeowners in Melbourne, you’re concerned about the hordes of birds that will be making your backyard their home. From sparrows to crows to seagulls, it can be hard to keep them all under control. Luckily, with a few smart ideas, you can make Bird Control Nesting Melbourne a lot easier.  

  1. Use bird feeders: Birds are attracted to food, and most homeowners have at least one bird feeder in their backyard. Fill it with seed or small pellets and keep it filled, especially during the nesting season.
  2. Keep your property clean: Clean up any spilled seed or bird droppings immediately. This will help discourage the birds from nesting in your area in the first place.
  3. Scare them off: One of the easiest ways to discourage birds from nesting is to scare them away. use a loud noise device like a vacuum cleaner, air horn, or a squawking duck call. Be sure to use it only when necessary and be careful not to scare the birds so much that they abandon their nests.]

Keeping your property clean and providing bird feeders can discourage these pesky creatures from nesting in your backyard, but sometimes they just won’t listen. If you want to be 100% certain that the birds don’t set up housekeeping in your space, try using a scare tactic like a loud noise machine.  

There are many birds that live in close proximity to people, and while they can be fun to watch, some of these birds can also be a nuisance. One type of bird that is commonly considered a nuisance is the nesting bird. These are birds that build their nests in or near human residences or businesses, and as such, can create a lot of noise and mess. 

If you’re dealing with a nesting bird in your home or office, there are some things you can do to try and control it. First, make sure you know the name of the bird and what it is currently occupying your space for. Next, get rid of any food sources that the bird may be using. This might include anything from spilled cereal to garbage cans left open. Finally, keep an eye on the bird and remove any items that it has built into its nest if necessary. 

What to do if you see a Bird Nesting 

If you see a bird nesting in your home or office, there are a few things you can do to help control the population: 

  1. Remove any potential food sources. Birds need food to lay eggs and raise chicks, so remove anything that might be attracting them like spilled food or scraps from the kitchen.
  2. Keep your windows closed during the day so they can’t see outside and get distracted by other birds.
  3. Seal off any entry points into the nest, like cracks in the wall or around light fixtures.
  4. Use bird repellents if necessary. Some products are specifically designed to repel birds, while others just make them feel uncomfortable.
  5. Talk to your landlord or building manager about what can be done to keep the birds from nesting in your building.


If you have birds nesting in or around your home or office, there are a few things you can do to help control the population and minimize bird damage. First, keep your windows closed during the winter when the birds are most active. This will help to keep them out of your home and prevent them from nesting. Second, make sure that any areas where they may be nesting, such as outside vents and eaves, are covered with wire mesh so they cannot build nests. You can also try using bird deterrents like propane cannons or ultrasonic devices to scare the birds away. If all else fails, call a professional to remove the birds and their nests.  


If you’re experiencing a problem with birds nesting in your home or office, there are some simple steps that you can take to try and resolve the situation. First, make sure that the bird’s activity is not causing any structural damage to your building. Next, remove any food sources that may be attracting the birds. Finally, use noise deterrents or put-up bird netting if necessary to help keep the birds away. If these measures don’t work after trying them for a period of time, you may need to contact an Same Day Pest Control Service expert who can help get the birds out of your building using either traditional methods or electronic devices.