With our increasing concern for the environment, nowadays couples are not ready to bear any guilt for doing anything for our special wedding day. So, if you also hold a special place for your green surroundings, you may want to know how to plan for an environment-friendly wedding.

So, for you, this blog will discuss eco-friendly ideas that will surely uplift your expectations and excitement for your big day celebration. Remember, your small decisions can bring bigger results in the environment’s favor.

Sustainability, Eco-friendliness, and the Wedding Industry Can Go Hand in Hand

You must admit that weddings create carbon footprints because of the travel required to gather everyone in one place, the garbage gathered at weddings, and the food waste produced by the meal and other options.

You may not know, but the average wedding emissions and the number are considerable; at least half of the wastage could be reduced by making sensible, eco-friendly, and considered choices. A wedding can produce as many CO2 emissions as five people would in a year!

So, from eco-friendly menus to wedding water bottle labels, you can truly add a touch of sustainability. With some right tips and plans, you can grow sustainability in weddings and enable everyone to go green in every element, starting from decor, invitations, and wedding favors

How to Organize an Environment-Friendly Wedding?

How to organize an environmentally-friendly wedding? Well, this list has so many sustainable wedding ideas, but you may not follow all the options. But, to make your wedding more ethical with eco-friendly choices, you can cover at least half of them. You never know that your wedding will be an example to thousands of others to do the same!

● Go with the Sustainable Fashion

When it comes to wedding fashion, your wedding dress comes first. Choosing a brand that sells all sustainable or vegan products is no doubt a wonderful idea. Many designers can create vintage wedding dresses for you.

On the other hand, you can even get help from websites that can give your old dress a new life. A handmade gown from an eco studio is also a great idea. Such studios are completely off-grid; they use renewable energy and vegan fabrics that are biodegradable and do not leave a huge carbon footprint. Later you can re-wear, swap, resell, or recycle your wedding dress after the big day.

● Make Wedding Cards Using Environment-friendly Materials

Wedding cards are one of the prettiest details where no couple wants to compromise. These days some couples go completely paperless and create great invitation cards to send via email; there are other options rather than choosing a physical card! But, if you don’t want to do this, making wedding cards using biodegradable and environment-friendly materials could be the best option to amaze everyone.

● Choose a Wedding Welcome Sign Made of Eco-friendly Products

When choosing a wedding welcome sign, go for eco-friendly products! Every couple wants to make the wedding welcome sign look beautiful. If you want to make it appealing besides being kind to mother earth, borrow some decorative details from nature and incorporate them into your wedding venue.

● Select Your Menu Wisely

If you have agreements with your wedding venue for providing wedding meals, or you plan to hire a separate team, ensure that you find a catering company that uses organic, local, and sustainable items and ethically-produced ingredients as much as possible. You can even choose a vegan or vegetarian menu that reduces the overall environmental impact if that is okay with your guests.

● Decoration Items Must Be Made with Eco-friendly Products

Do you know other than saving planet Earth, you can save a good amount of money too, using eco-friendly products? Upcycling the items that are perfect to reuse and repurpose, you can create a whole new decorative look in your wedding. There are also many creative and affordable ways to reuse tin cans, glass jars, wine bottles, cups, and more to create absolutely stunning decor pieces.

● Highlight the Greenery Part More

To make the wedding more sustainable and environmentally friendly, focus on the greenery part more. Some couples choose to rent flowers, and others even donate their faux flowers after the big day so that someone else can use them in their wedding decoration. You can even decorate your wedding venue with potted plants, which can be given as gifts to the guests.


If you hold a special soft corner for the environment in your heart, you should let the world know about it. Dedicate your D-day to this cause and make your steps towards something good. Those ideas mentioned earlier can make your weddings more appealing and exciting. As there are so many varied innovations to go green for your wedding, you can try them out and make a big difference by turning your wedding eco-friendly.