In the ever-growing tech world, the infamous Uber has created its own niche!

The company is constantly on the lookout to hire the best talent when it comes to stretching their teams. 

Aspirants too grind their days and nights to crack Uber interview questions. And, why not to apply for the company especially when it is known to offer several perks including:

  • Lucrative career opportunities 
  • Handsome salaries
  • Better work culture 
  • Job security 
  • Other job related perks 

To get hired at Uber for the positions of software engineer, data engineers, technical managers and other technical roles, you need to pass a tough coding interview. 

This guide unfolds some of the time-tested preparation tips that you can apply in your Uber interview preparation strategies while getting a glimpse of the company’s recruitment process! 

Read on!

Uber Coding Interview Process 

The noteworthy thing; the interview process at Uber is quite similar to that of other FAANG companies. You will first go through a phone screening round followed by the technical and on-site interviews.

Phone Screening Round 

After submitting your resume, you will have to go through the initial phone screen round!

In this screening round, you will encounter questions based on your past experiences and career goals. The round may last for about one hour. So, you can generally expect a deep discussion in this round. 

Technical Phone Screening Round 

For all the engineering roles, you will have to go through a technical phone screening round with the manager from your team. This would be a round where you will be asked questions on the coding challenge which will be of 30-40 minutes. 

Then there will be work experience discussion for about five to ten minutes. Then you will also ask any question you are having in your mind. 


Uber sometimes also assess candidates based on their problem solving capabilities though, this one would be an optional round as here you will be asked questions related to real life situations. This round is although optional as it will only be conducted for certain job roles. 

On-site interviews 

Uber usually conducts four to six rounds of on-site interviews. Each interview will be of 45 to 60 minutes with some of the short breaks in between it. Panel of two to four employers will ask you questions related to coding, system design and other technical topics. 

You will also face one to two coding challenges where you will have to solve problems on the HackerRank platform. Then you will go through the final interview, where the Uber interview questions will generally be based on seeing how fit you are for a particular job role. 

Uber interview Preparation 

The key to preparing for acing the interview with flying colours! 

You can’t really achieve anything in life, if you will not prepare for it. And, Uber interviews are no exception. 

To prepare well for the interview at Uber, you need to keep in mind certain key strategies that will shape your interview preparation in a better way. 

Choose your language 

The essential part you can’t ignore! 

Cracking the coding interview at Uber is surely not easy as it seems. There will definitely be questions related to various programming languages. Java, python, C, C++ are some of the most common languages whose questions are asked in coding interviews. 

Though, it would be very difficult to ace all the languages. So, the pro tip here would be to pick one language and prepare for it hard. You should know the syntax of that language and how to write code in it. 

Review all coding terms 

Coding encompassess certain terms and topics that you should know about! 

Though, coding concepts are quite vast and it is not easy to learn each and every term. The best thing you can do is to jot down all the essential topics that are most commonly asked in the technical interviews. 

After making the list of all these topics you can clearly differentiate what terms you need to learn and how to learn it. You can also take help from various study material and online resources to prepare well for your coding interviews. 

Practice data structure and algorithm questions

The most important topic of any coding interview!

In Uber interview questions, data structures and algorithm questions hold a great significance. You can’t leave a chance to escape this topic. With these questions, the interviewer will check your foundational and basic knowledge. This will help them analyse your coding and technical skills in a better way. 

Explain your concepts out loud 

The new yet productive method to learn!

Coding concepts are generally challenging to understand and explain. When a hiring manager wants to know about your thought process, they can also ask you to explain certain concepts. 

While preparing your coding topics, you can practise these topics out loud with your friends and peers. This kind of preparation strategy is a better way to recognise the concepts and to understand them with better clarity. 

Prepare to share your previous projects 

A useful tip to know! 

You should be well-prepared to talk about your previous projects as some interviewers are quite curious to know about your past projects and the experiences you have had from these projects. 

While giving explanations about your projects, you need to elaborate them well and show your understanding on these projects. Further, you should also reflect the skills you learned from these projects. 

Take mock tests 

Another productive way to give a push to your interview preparation is by taking the mock tests! 

Mock tests are touted as one of the best ways to prepare for the actual interviews as they involve the same questions that you are going to encounter in your coding interviews. Further, these tests will help you analyse your mistakes and work on your time management skills. 

Wrapping Up 

Keep this guide in mind for your Uber interview preparation! Though cracking the coding interview at Uber is quite tough, it can be well-achieved with right preparation and better mentoring. 

Happy coding