Did you know that, after Google, YouTube has the second-highest visitor volume worldwide? That’s accurate. In fact, a lot of people favour using YouTube for information searches rather than Google.


It’s critical for business owners to capitalise on this reality and success-proof their films. That is precisely where YouTube SEO enters the picture.


Are you interested in finding out how to rank YouTube videos?


In that case, you’ve found the right location. I’ll outline some of the top strategies for enhancing your YouTube SEO in this piece. Everything from tagging and annotations to optimising video titles and descriptions will be covered.


You’ll see a significant rise in your video views and channel subscribers by using these recommendations.


Let’s get going.


What is SEO for YouTube?


The technique of optimising your videos for YouTube search results is known as YouTube SEO. By doing this, you can increase the number of views and visitors to your videos and ultimately to your website or blog.


Your video’s title, description, and tags are just a few of the several elements that are taken into consideration, much like with standard SEO. The engagement of your video (likes, comments, shares, etc.) and whether or not viewers are sticking with the video the entire time are two other factors that YouTube takes into account.


All of these elements will be taken into consideration by YouTube’s algorithm when rank YouTube videos. To optimise your YouTube videos for SEO, you should focus on a few essential tasks.


How to Make Your YouTube Videos Rank Results for your search


Although YouTube SEO is a complicated creature, I’ll simplify it for you in this essay. Here are some of the finest strategies for enhancing the visibility and exposure of your YouTube videos:


Investigate Keywords for Your YouTube Channel


Do keyword research for your YouTube channel first. You want to uncover terms that people are searching for on YouTube, just like with standard SEO.


To do this, you may use the Ahrefs YouTube Keyword Tool or other keyword research and SEO tools to find out how many people are using YouTube to search for a specific word or phrase.


Additionally, you can discover search information for various words and phrases by using the Keyword Surfer extension.


Targeting keywords with a high reach potential (greater search volume) and a low competition score (relatively easy to rank for) is advised.


The next step is to optimise the title, description, and tags of each of your YouTube videos after you’ve created a list of the keywords you want to use to promote your channel.


Your video’s transcript should incorporate your keywords as well. This is a fantastic strategy to increase the exposure of your videos because YouTube will index the transcript of them.


Utilise a Catchy Video Title


Make sure your title will pique viewers’ interest and compel them to watch since it will be the first thing they see when they find your video. An effective title should be succinct, descriptive, and direct. It should give viewers a general notion of what your video is about and pique their interest.


Additionally, the title of your video plays a significant role in YouTube SEO. It is used by the platform to identify the topic of your video and how pertinent it is to users’ queries.


Therefore, be careful to incorporate pertinent keywords in your title, but avoid stuffing it or making it look forced.


A decent rule of thumb is to keep your title at 70 characters, even if YouTube allows you to submit titles of up to 100 characters. Why? because the title of your website only appears in search results after 70 characters.


If you’re struggling to think of a title, consider coming up with a list of terms that best define your video.


Here are some excellent title examples:


  • The “How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee”
  • “The Best Orange Peeling Technique”
  • “How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking”


Once you’ve compiled a list of pertinent keywords, experiment with them to come up with a title that is both catchy and educational.


That’s all, then!


Simply by adhering to these few guidelines, you may make engaging video titles that will increase your viewership and subscription count.


Smart Descriptions to Write


What will entice viewers to click on and watch your video is its title. However, after they’ve clicked, your video description will persuade them to watch it all the way through.


Your description should be prepared to pique viewers’ interest and provide a succinct summary of the subject matter of your video.


Following are some pointers for creating clever descriptions:


  • Be succinct and to the point. Although YouTube allows you to enter up to 5000 characters in your description, it’s ideal to keep your sentences at 200 words. Keep in mind that viewers are watching your video, not reading an essay.


  • To make it easier for viewers to find your video, use relevant keywords in your description.


  • Make sure your video description contains a call-to-action that instructs people what to do after watching your movie. This may say anything like “like this video” or “subscribe to my channel.”


  • Last but not least, remember to include a link to your website or blog in the descriptions of your videos. Make sure to use the one link that YouTube allows you to add in your description.


You may write descriptions that help people find your movies and keep viewing them by using the advice in this article.


Name Change for Your Video File


Another crucial piece of metadata that you shouldn’t ignore is the name of your video file. A generic file name made up of a string of digits is automatically assigned to videos when you submit them to YouTube.


However, you should (and may) modify this file name to incorporate pertinent search-engine-friendly keywords. Simply rename your file before uploading it to YouTube to accomplish this.


If your video is on “how to make the perfect cup of coffee,” for instance, you might rename the clip to “coffee-making-tutorial.mp4” or something similar.


Make Personalised, Eye-Catching Videos Thumbnails


Small graphics called thumbnails are used on YouTube to represent your video. Your image and title will catch someone’s attention and entice them to click on your video when they are scrolling through a list of videos.


Although YouTube will automatically create a number of default thumbnails for you, these are frequently not very good. For this reason, you ought to make a unique thumbnail for each of your films. Using free internet design tools like Canva makes this simple.


Make sure to: When making a thumbnail for your YouTube video.


  • Use photos with a minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.
  • Include readable text in your writing.
  • Ensure that the thumbnail accurately depicts the video’s content.
  • Use eye-catching imagery and vibrant colours.


Utilise Cards and Annotations to Promote Your Videos


YouTube’s methods for assisting you in promoting your videos include annotations and cards.


Annotations are clickable links that appear on the video itself, whereas cards are pop-up windows that occur throughout your movie. Annotations and cards can be used to link to your website or blog as well as to advertise your other videos.


You must access the “Video Manager” area of your YouTube channel in order to add cards and annotations to your videos.


For the video you want to include them in, click the “Edit” button. Start adding annotations and cards by selecting the “Annotations” or “Cards” tab.


Annotations on YouTube can be used for

  • Additional details regarding the video should be provided.
  • Include a list of other websites, channels, or videos.
  • Promote your company or your goods.


Annotations are similar to cards, except cards also allow you to include images and call-to-action buttons. They can therefore be used to advertise other movies, playlists, your website, or even merchandise.


Your YouTube videos should be tagged.


You can tag your videos on YouTube with up to 500 characters of text. These tags aid YouTube in comprehending your video’s content and matching it with relevant searches.


Anything that describes your video can be a tag. Popular tags consist of:


  • you or your channel name
  • Video subject
  • Terms and expressions from the title
  • Related issues
  • other YouTubers’ names


You may aid YouTube in matching your material with the appropriate audience by adding tags to your videos. Your videos may appear in pertinent YouTube search results if you use tags.


Make Engaging, High-Quality Videos


It takes skill to produce interesting, high-quality videos that can keep viewers’ attention. But it is doable with some preparation and work.


The following advice can assist you in producing videos that will entice visitors to watch more of your work:


  • Consider the goals you have for your video. What does the video aim to accomplish? Are you attempting to boost website traffic, create more brand awareness, or generate leads? You can begin organising the content after you are aware of the video’s goal.


  • You don’t need a long video to make an impact. In actuality, within two minutes, most individuals start to lose interest. Therefore, be sure to deliver your point fast and maintain the video’s intrigue.


  • To assist you tell your tale, use images. Visually appealing videos are more likely to stick in viewers’ minds. Use illustrations, infographics, and other visuals to assist convey your message. You may utilise a variety of available video editing programmes, such as Canva, to make captivating films for your audience.


  • narrate a tale. People adore tales. Additionally, individuals are more likely to relate to and remember a video that tells a story.


  • Ensure that your video is of a high calibre. A bad video is the single thing that turns people off the most. Make sure your video has the proper lighting, sound quality, and production value if you want people to take it seriously.


Offer a variety of language subtitles


Think about including subtitles in your videos. This can assist you reach those who don’t speak your native tongue and make them more approachable to a wider audience.


Although English is the most widely used language online, depending on where your target audience is located, you should also provide subtitles in Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Hindi.


Put the user experience first


User involvement shouldn’t be overlooked because it’s crucial for YouTube SEO. You must make your videos fascinating if you want people to view them.


Creating interactive videos is one way to achieve this. Ask your audience questions and invite them to respond with comments.


To entice viewers to act after viewing your video, you may also employ calls-to-action. You may request that they go to your website, join your email list, or follow you on social media, for instance.


Addressing user intent in your video’s content is the best method to keep viewers interested. Surfer’s Content Editor can help you determine what kind of content users prefer to read for a specific keyword, what terms and inquiries to include, and what your rivals are doing.


You will be able to rank higher in YouTube search results and gain more viewers and subscribers as a result of doing this. It will also help you improve views and watch time.


Promote your videos and YouTube channel.


You must advertise your YouTube channel on your website and through other platforms if you want to make the most of it.


Here are a few advices:


  • Ensure that your channel is SEO-optimized. To make it easier for users to find your channel, include keywords in the description and tags.


  • Make an introduction or channel trailer that describes your channel’s focus and invites viewers to subscribe.


  • Include a video embed code on your website or blog. This makes it easier for viewers to find and subscribe to your content.


  • Post your videos on other social media platforms. To increase views and subscribers, make use of hashtags and @mentions.


  • To increase your audience and drive more attention to your channel, team up with other YouTubers.


  • Make comments on other videos to draw viewers to your channel.


  • To get more subscribers and viewers for your YouTube videos, run a contest or giveaway.


  • Utilise effective YouTube marketing strategies to achieve better outcomes with less work.


By following these suggestions, you can increase the number of views, subscribers, and visitors to your YouTube channel as well as the search ranks of your videos.


Pay attention to your analytics


Keep a watch on your YouTube analytics to monitor your development and determine what is effective. Views, subscribers, viewing time, and comments are all indicators of how well your channel is doing.


To find out who is watching your videos and where they are from, have a peek at the demographics of your viewers. You may improve your content creation and efficiently market your channel with the help of this knowledge.