Have you ever been frustrated by duplicate lines in your code while editing in Sublime? Fear not, this blog post will show you how to quickly and easily remove themno coding knowledge needed! So let’s get started and get rid of those duplicates today!


Removing duplicate lines from text files can be a tedious task, especially when dealing with large files. Luckily, there is a built-in way to quickly remove duplicate lines in Sublime Text that makes the process simpler and faster.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to use the Sublime Command Palette and Advanced New File (ANF) plugin to quickly remove any duplicate lines from your documents or code. We’ll also explore other methods of deleting duplicates in Sublime. By the end of this guide, you should have a good understanding of how to remove duplicates in Sublime Text efficiently.

What is Sublime Text?

Sublime Text is a cross-platform, sophisticated text editor that’s widely used by web developers, system administrators, and software engineers. It enables users to quickly edit code and write new applications in any language, including Python, PHP, JavaScript, Perl and more. Sublime Text also offers advanced features like autocomplete and multiple selections to help increase productivity.

The program is highly customizable with options for themes and color schemes. It includes a variety of plugins which allow the user to extend the functionality of the program even further. Additionally, Sublime Text provides seamless support for a variety of coding languages by offering syntax highlighting for over 30 languages.

While Sublime Text offers powerful features for editing large blocks of code with ease, it also has a lesser-known feature: duplicate line removal. This can be especially useful when cleaning up stored source code files or when looking for hidden mistakes in programs. To make use of this convenient feature in Sublime Text, follow these simple steps:

How to Identify Duplicate Lines in Sublime


Sublime Text makes it easy to quickly identify and remove duplicate lines of text from documents. When working on large projects with several lines of code and/or text input, it can be helpful to check for duplicate entries that may slow down serviced requests or create database confusion.

Begin by opening a document in Sublime Text and highlighting all the content to ensure the entire file is considered when searching for duplicates.

Next, select Find from the Edit drop-down menu and then select Find All Results from the secondary options that appear. Doing so will save you time by auto-selecting all possible matches in your document.

With your possible matches highlighted, click on the Edit dropdown again and choose Remove Duplicates Lines. This will immediately perform a command that looks through similar strings of text that only occur once within the highlighted area. Any double entries will be removed, leaving you with no duplicates or copied data sets.

How to Remove Duplicate Lines in Sublime

Removing duplicate lines in Sublime Text is a quick and easy task that can help declutter your documents. While it might sound intimidating, erasing repeated text is actually quite simple. In this guide, we’ll show you the steps for eliminating repeat phrases and words from your files with just a few clicks.

Begin by opening the file containing the duplicate lines in Sublime Text. Once the document has loaded, press Ctrl+F on Windows or Command+F on Mac to open up Sublime’s Find interface. Then, select “Find in Files…” to open up a search window at the bottom of your screen (bottom right corner).

In this search window, make sure that “Regular Expression” is checked – this will allow us to look for anything matching our pattern. In the text box below, type in \1.(.*)\. This will find all instances of duplicates when they are adjacent to each other (i.e., two lines of identical text) and mark these as targets for deletion.

Next, click “Find All” at the bottom of your search window; after a moment, you will be presented with a list of every duplicate line found within your document. If any false positives have been picked up (lines that are seemingly identical but are actually slightly different), simply uncheck them so they are not affected when we delete our duplicates later on down the line. When you’ve finished with your adjustments to this list of possible duplicates, hit Delete or press Ctrl+D/Command+D on Macs to remove them all at once!

That’s all there is to it: with those next steps carefully followed – voila! – you have just removed any duplicate lines from within the document you were cleanly devoid of repeating phrases and words without much effort needed from yourself! Now that your files are clutter-free—happy editing!

Tips for Removing Duplicate Lines in Sublime

Removing duplicate lines in Sublime is an important task for any person who works with large amounts of text. It is especially important when working to create clean, easy-to-follow documents or code. Fortunately, the process of removing duplicates is usually quick and painless. The following tips can help you remove duplicate lines from text quickly and easily:

  1. Utilize the `ctrl + shift + l` keyboard combination to select each line in your document as a separate line in Sublime Text.
  2. After that, go to `Edit` > `Line` > `Remove Duplicate Lines`. This will automatically delete lines that have already been used above them and keep only their original versions in the document.
  3. To save time, it’s also useful to consider using shortcuts such as `⌘d` on MacOS systems or `ctrl + d` on Windows systems to quickly find and select duplicate lines which you can then delete with `shift+delete`.
  4. Finally, if you’re dealing with larger files that contain multiple instances of the same string throughout your file, it might be helpful to look into using some sort of command line script or utility program that can do a deeper check for similar strings within your document and automatically remove them without needing any manual selection or deletion from your end!

Common Issues When Removing Duplicate Lines in Sublime

One of the most common issues when removing duplicate lines in Sublime is the presence of blank lines or space characters. These can be difficult to spot, but may cause unexpected behavior when manipulating text files with Sublime. Also, it is possible for there to be trailing spaces at the end of non-blank lines which could also cause unexpected behavior. It is important to make sure that any blank lines and any spaces within a line are removed prior to attempting to remove duplicate lines in Sublime. Using the line break remover online you can break the lines easily.

Another issue which arises during the removal of duplicate lines is the failure to select all such lines prior to commencing operations on them. When this happens, operations may fail unexpectedly or simply appear not to work as expected. It is important that all relevant text blocks are selected when removing duplicate lines in Sublime in order to ensure that all relevant duplicates can be successfully processed by the program.

There may also be challenges related with errors caused by improperly entered text which can include incorrect spacing, incorrect characters or other formatting issues. It might take some time and practice in order for inexperienced users to become comfortable manipulating text files with Sublime, but accurate data entry is absolutely essential if operations are going to proceed correctly and as expected.


In conclusion, Sublime Text is an incredibly powerful and versatile tool for editing plain text files. The ability to quickly and easily search for, remove, and replace duplicate lines makes it ideal for eliminating redundant information quickly and accurately. With just a few simple steps, you can quickly improve the accuracy of text files.

To remove duplicate lines from a file, first manually delete all unnecessary white spaces using the ‘view whitespace’ command. Then open the find/replace window and enter the string “(\r? )+” into the find field and leave the replace field empty. Click on ‘Find All’ to search through the open file and find duplicate lines. The number of matches will appear in parentheses above the ‘Find All’ button. Finally, select all matches by holding down Ctrl+Shift+L or Cmd+Shift+L on Mac OSX, then hit ‘Delete’, which will remove all instances of duplicated lines from your file.


Removing duplicate lines in Sublime requires the use of a plugin or an outside application. Several different plugins can be used to accomplish this task, as well as a few external programs. All of these tools offer simple and effective ways to delete any lines that are repeated in one file or across multiple files.

Sublime Plugins

  • RemoveDuplicates by fbody
  • UniqueLines by Naontif
  • LineDuplicate by RufatUtegenov

External Applications

  • Atom
  • Notepad++
  • UltraEdit
  • TextMate
  • EmEditor
  • TextWrangler

Each of these tools offers clear instructions on how to use them for removing duplicate lines in Sublime, as well as which files and formats they support. With some research and experimentation, you will be able to choose the best option for your particular situation.