The first things a person comes across about a webpage are the title tag and meta description. They work in a similar way to first impressions — if it isn’t good (read excellent), then a searcher will probably not click through. However, this isn’t all. Meta tags are essential in order to rank high on the SERPs as it helps search engines identify the website’s content. 

The title tag and meta description are interlinked and greatly influence page performance. This blog will explore the impact title tag, and meta description have on optimizing content.

What is a Title Tag?

The title tag is the title shown in the search engine listing. It appears as a blue link and is typically a variation of the title that appears on its corresponding page. Alternatively, it is referred to as a meta title, title tag, or SEO title. 

Why are Title Tags Important for SEO?

Including focus keywords in the title tag is important as it is very influential in deciding the website’s rank in the search results. The title tag helps search engine robots recognize the focus of your website content and determine its relevance to a user’s query. So the more relevant the title tag is, the higher the chances of ranking. 

Title tags are a core element for on-page SEO. Especially since Google cites the title of listed web pages as one of the primary factors that drive a user’s decision to click through. Optimizing it for a focus keyword can help improve rankings dramatically. Source

What is a Meta Description?

A meta description is typically found directly under a title on the SERPs. It aims to condense the webpage content into one or two lines and may contain a call to action. Meta descriptions aren’t necessarily a ranking factor but rather an indirect influence on it. Digital marketing companies nowadays focus on creating engaging meta descriptions that can capture a user’s attention.

Role of Meta Description in SEO

Since the meta description is one of the two things a user first sees about a website, it has the potential to attract users to click on a page. This can indirectly increase rankings as more people click on the website, giving search engine robots the impression that it is more relevant to specific queries.

In a nutshell, the title tag’s purpose is to help boost rankings. In comparison, the meta description’s purpose is to increase the click-through rate, further boosting the page’s ranking.  Leading SEO companies in Sydney that craft great titles and meta descriptions know that the difference in page performance is as clear as day. 


It is clear that title tags and meta descriptions are key components for SEO. Incorporating well-researched and targeted keywords in meta descriptions and title tags can significantly improve a page’s performance. Optimizing these can place a webpage in the upper echelons of the SERPs. Don’t miss out on all these advantages. Get the right support to reach the top place on search engine results.