Mobile apps are increasingly popular, especially among businesses. This is because users prefer to interact with clean and high-performing apps. This preference is based on the belief that these apps are easier to use and are more likely to meet the needs of the user. In addition, mobile apps tend to be more reliable and have a longer lifespan than traditional web applications.

Good Architecture is essential to developing modular, scalable, and maintainable applications. As businesses become increasingly digital, software architecture becomes more and more important. Clean Architecture is an architecture system that helps developers create maintainable, extensible, and testable applications. It is based on the principles of separation of concerns, single responsibility, and dependency inversion.

Clean Architecture helps developers create modular, scalable, and maintainable applications. It is based on the principles of separation of concerns, single responsibility, and dependency inversion. By separating the application into small, well-defined parts, developers can work on isolated areas without affecting other parts of the system. This improves the overall reliability and maintainability of the application.

Users prefer to interact with clean and high-performing mobile apps. This is because they want to perceive the app as reliable and error-free. With a well-designed mobile app, users can expect a smooth experience from start to finish. This is important, as users are more likely to return to an app if they have a positive experience.

What more should you know about Clean Architecture?

Clean architecture is essential to keeping code under control without sacrificing its readability. By following certain design principles, developers can create maintainable, scalable, and testable applications. These principles include separating the application into small, well-defined parts, and relying on modularity and dependency inversion to keep code separate. These tenets help ensure that any changes to the code will be less disruptive and easier to understand.

Clean Architecture forces developers to think differently about how they structure their code. By separating the application logic from its user interface, the system becomes more maintainable. This is because the core application logic is now less likely to change, and therefore has no direct dependencies. This allows for greater flexibility when making changes to the system, as the code is more reusable and easier to maintain.

Implementing clean architecture with ASP.Net Core is necessary for developing modern, high-performing mobile applications. With the practice of clean architecture, developers can ensure that the user experience is both intuitive and efficient. Furthermore, the clean architecture allows for more efficient coding as it promotes modularity and separation of concerns. Ultimately, users prefer to interact with mobile applications that are clean and high-performing, and implementing clean architecture with ASP.Net Core is the best way to achieve this.

Benefits of Clean Architecture

  • Independent of Database and Frameworks.
  • Independent of the presentation layer. 
  • Highly testable, especially the core domain model and its business rules are extremely testable.

Integrating clean architecture with ASP.NET

When an organization decides to transition from traditional .NET Applications to ASP.NET Core, the architecture must be re-evaluated. One option is to deploy the architecture as a Single Unit related to an executable or a single web-based application running in the IIS app domain. This approach has several benefits, including the following:            

Simplified management and deployment. The architecture can be managed and deployed as a single unit, which makes it easier to understand and manage.

A monolithic application is the best example of a Single unit application, which is entirely self-contained in behavior or functionality. This type of application is typically deployed as a single executable or a single web-based application running in the IIS app domain. As the name suggests, monolithic applications are extremely monolithic in their behavior and don’t rely on any other applications for functionality. This makes them easy to manage and deploy, as there is only one executable to install and one web-based application to deploy.

A new ASP.NET Core project, created using either Visual Studio or the command line, always starts out as a single all-in-one monolith. This means that all of the application’s components and modules—from data access to business logic to user interface—are combined into one application. This makes it easy to develop and deploy but can limit scalability and maintainability in the future. By adopting Clean Architecture principles and separating the application into distinct layers and modules, developers can create a more maintainable and extensible application.

Developers who are new to ASP.NET Core often find it difficult to determine which folders should be used for which pattern responsibilities. The default template includes different folders for MVC Pattern responsibilities like Models, Views, and Controllers. However, this approach can be problematic. For example, the Models folder should not contain any controllers, as controllers should be placed in the Controllers folder.

As the application’s complexity increases, one of the best ways to manage it is to break down the application’s responsibility or functionality. This can be done by dividing the functionality into small, well-defined parts, and relying on modularity and dependency inversion to keep code separate. This helps ensure that any changes to the code will be less disruptive and easier to understand. Additionally, clean architecture forces developers to think differently about how they structure their code.

In a layered architecture, application responsibilities are divided into multiple tiers and each tier communicates with other tiers. This allows for more scalability and flexibility in the application and makes it easier to maintain. As each layer is isolated from other layers, changes to the application can be done without affecting other parts of the application. Additionally, the layers can be developed independently, which ensures that the development team is better able to focus on the task at hand without worrying about other layers.

Getting Started with Clean Architecture and ASP.NET Core

One of the quickest ways to get started using Clean Architecture for your next ASP.NET Core app is to install a template and then create a new solution from the template. This will create a new project that is already configured with all of the necessary files and folders. The solution’s “Views” and “Controllers” folders will have already been created, and you can start adding your code right away.

In conclusion

Clean architecture provides a better way to manage and develop applications that have medium to high complexity. It provides a clear separation of concerns, isolating the business logic from the user interface. This helps developers keep the code organized, maintainable, and extensible. Additionally, clean architecture encourages developers to build loosely coupled applications that are easier to test, debug, and deploy.

ASP.NET Core is designed with the Clean Architecture approach in mind. This means that the initial solution structure must be set up correctly if the project is to use this approach. Clean Architecture provides a better way to manage and develop applications that have medium to high complexity. It provides a clear separation of concerns, isolating the business logic from the user interface.

If you want to use the Clean Architecture approach in your next project, then don’t forget to get in touch with us.