Hearing loss is a serious problem. It changes lives before and after. Many people mistakenly think that hearing loss ends with an inability to hear or understand the first time. It doesn’t! Hearing loss causes serious complications, causing new physiological and psychological disorders. It also affects everyday tasks. Imagine being dizzy all the time and having difficulty getting your bearings. Is it dangerous? Definitely! The cause of dizziness and falls in older people is hearing loss! This is just one example. Hearing loss can cause big problems in life, so try to improve your safety by following the recommendations from audiologists for hard-of-hearing patients!

Don’t ignore hearing problems
The most important thing you can do for your safety is not to ignore your hearing loss. Check your hearing regularly with a hearing care professional to see if there is a problem. Online hearing testing is available to anyone with a network-enabled device. It is a simple and effective method. It can determine your hearing acuity for further action.

Do you have hearing loss? Then use a hearing aid. Don’t blame it on lack of time or cost! A hearing aid is your key to safety at work and at home.

Don’t hide your hearing loss
Hearing impairment is not something you would be proud to tell everyone you meet. But family and friends need to know about it. They can warn you of the possible danger if you do not hear the alarm. They may not give you the attention you need in critical situations without knowing about your hearing problem.

Train your visual response
Hearing loss progresses over time. If your hearing aid settings are “lagging,” you’ll subconsciously trust your eyes more than your hearing organs. In such cases, it is important to develop a quick response to visual triggers. It can be especially important when you are driving. You may not hear the ambulance siren, but it’s hard not to see its blue flashing beacons. Watch out for pedestrians, especially children.

Have an emergency plan in place
Your family members should know where to find you if there is an emergency in case of fire, disaster, or injury. Warn them of all your movements. Agree with them on the shelter where you plan to wait out an emergency. In such a way, family members and emergency personnel can help you quickly!