Companies invest heavily in product marketing. From TV advertisements to billboards, there are many ways for them to reach new audiences.

However, in this digital age, customers are more attracted to different forms of digital marketing. Research shows digital displays can affect customers’ buying decisions in shopping spaces. 84% of customers reported that they are more likely to engage with brands that have digital displays, and 32% consider purchasing from them. It shows that businesses need to embrace this new trend in marketing and gain profitable returns.

Digital displays, also called LED walls or digital led display signs, show textual or visual content for advertisement and other purposes. They are customized in various shapes and sizes and placed in different locations, such as malls, outlets, streets, airports, etc. These are placed indoors or outdoors, depending on the needs of the business, and can be updated and controlled remotely.

Let’s take a closer look at indoor and outdoor video walls.

Indoor Video Walls

Indoor video displays are placed inside a building or an event. During a conference or corporate event, a company can use them in a conference room or lobby to showcase different products or company information. Moreover, businesses can use indoor video plays, such as kiosks, and interactive displays in malls and airports to promote their products.

Here are some pros of using an indoor video display.

  • Creating a balance between the colors in a design can influence customers’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Immersive video designs and other visual elements can grab audiences’ attention in different places, including high-traffic areas.
  • Indoor digital LED screens are personalized and easily updated, allowing businesses to share recent and new content without the constant help of a vendor.
  • When placed indoors, digital displays can incorporate interactive features that encourage the audience to engage with the brand.
  • Traditional signage options, such as banners, require printing costs and lead to wastage once the promotions are over. Indoor digital LED display signscan be cost-effective as they don’t need printing.

Let’s discuss some cons of using an indoor video display.

  • The initial cost of purchasing and installing digital displays is pretty high.
  • Indoor digital LED display signsand boards are worthless if you don’t have attractive display designs and accurate information. Therefore, they need maintenance and fresh content regularly to attract the audience.
  • Indoor digital LED screensare connected to a power source to operate.

Outdoor Video Walls

A business may place an outdoor digital display board in a busy street or area to attract a large audience. It can be a digital billboard or a led wall easily visible from a distance. For example, video walls can be sued to show advertisements in a stadium during popular sports events like Super Bowl and FIFA World Cup.

These can be placed in many outdoor spaces as they can withstand various weather conditions and use LED technology to produce high-quality images that can be seen even in daylight.

Here’s how your business can benefit from outdoor video walls.

  • Outdoor video walls have high visibility. Their design enables the audience to see the message clearly from a distance. For example, an outdoor video wall will not include detailed information but rather a tagline that can catch a passerby’s attention.
  • They are most useful for targeted advertising. While indoor walls can provide general information to all customers, outdoor video displays installed strategically can target an audience in a specific area.
  • Outdoor digital display boardscan show dynamic content, such as 3D billboards, animations, and videos, which are more appealing than static images.

Here are some cons of outdoor video displays.

  • Installing an outdoor digital display boardcan be more costly than traditional billboards depending on the size, design, and location.
  • While outdoor video wallscan withstand harsh weather, they can impact their durability and lifespan.
  • In many locations, there are regulatory restrictions on the size of outdoor display walls, which limits creativity and impact.

Choosing the Right Video Wall

You must consider different factors before choosing between indoor and outdoor video walls. Some of these can include the audience, budget, marketing objective, and type of content.

For example, if you want to create a 3D billboard to gain the attention of a wide audience and encourage them to click pictures and share on social media to engage with the brand, an outdoor video display is more suitable.

On the other hand, if you want people who are visiting a mall to know about the latest discounts at a new outlet, you can use an indoor video display to get the message across.

Get Video Walls From The Movi Group

Can’t decide which one is more suitable for your business? The Movi Group can help! They are an audiovisual consultant in the Bahamas and provide professional video production services and digital-led display signs to businesses.

Their consultants can evaluate your marketing objectives and research your audience to provide invaluable insights about video production and help you choose digital led screens suitable for your event or business.

Contact them now to learn more about their AV services in the Bahamas.

About The Author

Dylan T. is a media designer with 7 years of experience creating immersive video displays and digital signage design. He works freelance for event management companies and has established himself as a skilled and innovative designer for indoor and outdoor video walls for different businesses.