In a digital world where data is the new oil, real-time data integration has emerged as the engine driving business innovation and decision-making. It’s a reality that Anshumali Ambasht, Data Engineering and Analytics Manager (Specialist Master) at Deloitte Consulting, knows well. With over 16 years of exceptional expertise in implementing innovative data and analytics technology solutions in property and casualty and the telecommunications industries, Ambasht is no stranger to the power of real-time data.

“The modern business landscape calls for real-time insights,” says Ambasht. “Real-time data integration enables companies to stay agile, react more quickly, and make informed decisions on-the-go.”

A survey by Vanson Bourne found that 74% of business decision-makers say that if their organization’s data isn’t accurate, they risk making business decisions that they later regret. It’s a clear illustration of the imperative of real-time data integration.

Data integration involves consolidating data from various sources to provide a unified, consistent view. Real-time data integration takes this one step further—offering insights almost immediately after data collection. This immediacy is invaluable in an environment where businesses must react quickly to changing circumstances.

“We live in a time where businesses cannot afford to wait for batch processing of data,” explains Ambasht. “The difference between making a decision now or tomorrow can be the difference between success and failure.”

The benefits of real-time data integration are far-reaching, particularly in Ambasht’s current area of expertise, the telecommunications industry. Telecom encompasses various companies that transmit data in words, voice, audio, or video formats across the globe. These entities include wired and wireless telecom providers, satellite companies, cable and internet companies, and service providers who facilitate high-speed broadband connectivity, voice services, and multimedia services to individuals, businesses, governments, and other institutions.

With the proliferation of digital transformation and IoT, the telecommunication industry has seen a surge in data volume and variety, necessitating advanced analytics to extract meaningful insights. Leveraging data in the telecom industry can not only predict customer behavior but also pave the way for innovative offerings, enhanced network performance, and ultimately, better business outcomes. Therefore, in this sector, real-time data can inform risk management, personalize customer experiences, optimize operations, and guide strategic decisions.

However, Ambasht points out that implementing real-time data integration is not without its challenges. The sheer volume of data, data privacy concerns, technological constraints, and integration complexity can make it a daunting task.

“Real-time data integration is not a plug-and-play solution,” Ambasht notes. “It requires strategic planning, the right technology, robust data governance policies, and skilled professionals to implement it successfully.”

Ambasht is particularly proficient in designing, developing, and implementing complex and highly scalable large-scale solutions—skills that have made significant business impacts in his past roles. And as a holder of a master’s degree in Financial Analytics from the prestigious Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, US, he brings an analytical rigor to these challenges.

As businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation, the demand for real-time data integration will only grow. A report by MarketsandMarkets estimates that the global data integration market size will grow to USD 13.7 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.2% during the forecast period.

But what does the future hold for real-time data integration? For Ambasht, the answer lies in the ever-evolving technology landscape.

“We are in the early stages of a data revolution,” he says. “As technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things continue to evolve, so too will the capabilities of real-time data integration.”

The promise of real-time data integration is compelling: the ability to harness the right data at the right time for better, faster, more accurate business decisions. And with leaders like Anshumali Ambasht at the helm, the future of real-time data integration looks bright indeed.

About Anshumali Ambasht 

Anshumali Ambasht, the current Data Engineering and Analytics Manager at Deloitte Consulting, is a dynamic and skilled leader with over 16 years of experience in spearheading various facets of data engineering, business intelligence, analytics, data integration, and data warehousing projects. Known for his adept communication and leadership skills, he initiated and steered numerous high-visibility projects, demonstrating a knack for leading data-driven discussions and designing scalable data platforms. His expertise in data architecture is complemented by his ability to manage, lead, and scale geographically dispersed development teams. As a mentor and technical leader, he’s shared his knowledge in data engineering best practices across various teams, consistently owning solutions end-to-end. In collaboration with business teams, Ambasht often engages in conversations about technology solution approaches, paving the way for informed decision-making. His specialties span across Data Engineering, Data Analytics, Data Warehousing and  Data Integration..
