Yes, paternity DNA tests are considered highly accurate when performed correctly by a qualified laboratory. The accuracy of a paternity test can be over 99.9% when using reliable techniques and comparing multiple genetic markers. However, it’s important to note that the accuracy of a DNA test also depends on the quality of the sample used for testing, the integrity of the DNA, and the accuracy of the laboratory’s testing procedures. It’s essential to choose a reputable and accredited laboratory and follow all instructions for collecting and submitting samples to ensure the most accurate results.

5 Ways Paternity Test Results Can Be Wrong

While paternity tests are highly accurate, there are some circumstances in which the results can be incorrect. Here are five ways paternity test results can be wrong:

  • Sample mix-up: If there is a mix-up of samples during collection or testing, the results can be incorrect. This can happen if the samples are not properly labeled, processed, or stored.
  • Contamination: Contamination can occur when DNA from another person or source is mixed with the sample being tested. This can happen if the sample is not properly collected, handled, or stored.
  • Mutations: Mutations can occur in the genetic markers used for testing, which can affect the accuracy of the results. However, these mutations are rare, and most reputable labs test multiple genetic markers to ensure accuracy.
  • Chimerism: Chimerism is a rare condition in which an individual has two different sets of DNA. This can occur in cases of fraternal twin pregnancies or when a person receives a bone marrow transplant.
  • Infidelity: If the alleged father is not the biological father, the test results will be incorrect. However, this is not a fault of the test itself, but rather a reflection of the accuracy of the information provided to the lab for testing.

UrgentWay’s DNA tests are extremely accurate and often show a conclusive result. paternity DNA test