After you’ve decided to renovation your kitchen, you are in the way to clear your doubts and confusion regarding this project. If this is your issue for kitchen renovation work than stop searching further.

At the end of this article, you will know, what essential things need to consider when remodeling a kitchen.

So, with this keeping in mind, here are:

Kitchen Renovation: 9 Steps Proven Plan to Redo your Kitchen

The 9 Steps Plan for your Kitchen Renovation

  1. Gather Kitchen Design Ideas

This is the first step to do some research kitchen design ideas, you want for your home.

Think about what’s your real requirement. It is important that the layout and features of kitchen should fit in the space without compromising the interior look.

You can check kitchen remodel pictures by visiting on Pinterest. It will give you hundreds of different types of kitchen cabinets, designs, and layouts in various colors.

Don’t get confused in this process, we will discuss these kitchen terms in upcoming steps.

1. Gather Kitchen Design Ideas

  1. Visualize your Kitchen

Now you have some good images of modular kitchens. It’s time to choose which kind of Kitchen Layouts are going to work for your space.

Layouts are your kitchen spacing style. Kitchen layouts like U Shaped, Straight, L-Shaped, and Island Shaped are the most popular currently.

So, visualize the kitchen remodel space planning in your mind to examine, what going to work or whatnot.

2. Visualize your Kitchen

  1. Let’s Choose Material for Modular Kitchen

Plywood and MDF covered with laminate sheets and acrylic are the materials widely used in modular kitchen.

All these come in different quality and benefits. If you want to choose plywood then, I will recommend picking a variety that should be entirely waterproof.

For Stone Countertops which includes materials like Marble & Granite, Laminate, Corian, and Quartz. In these, Corian offers high durability whereas Granite is the classic choice among all.

3. Let’s Choose Material for Modular Kitchen

  1. Kitchen Remodel Budget and Timeline

Now you must figure out your preliminary budget and timeline of the work. This initial budget and timeline will be considered on the bases of the kitchen remodeling requirements.

The quality & quantity of material and kind of stones going to use for countertops should be taken into consideration for the bud.

You can take, help from the Fabulous Interior Designers in Bangalore so they can guide you through this process.

4. Kitchen Remodel Budget and Timeline

  1. Breakdown your Cost

In this step, you must do a little more specific cost analysis for kitchen cabinets, appliances, accessories, and plumbing and labour charges, etc.

Don’t be hurry in this process, think, which types of cabinet you need– Wall Cabinet, Floor Cabinet, Double-Stacked Cabinets and do this same thing for the others.

5. Breakdown your Cost

  1. Hire a Contractor

For kitchen remodeling types of projects often require contractors. Make sure to hire that interior designer to complete kitchen renovation who have government license with great expertise.

And please don’t forget to take written Contract with every signal detail about this project from the contractor.

6. Hire a Contractor

  1. Sketching of Kitchen

After hiring a kitchen designer, it is the time to put all the ideas and designs you have collected into sketch form.

Tell your entire requirement to the designer in detail like, which cabinet design you need Wall or Floor or both.

Wall Cabinets are attached on the wall in the kitchen room and can be extended from bottom till ceiling.

Whereas Floor Cabinets occupies larger space on the surface, but it can be easily accessed by kids in your family.

These are the small things you need to take care of in the sketching process.

7. Sketching of Kitchen

  1. Kitchen Remodeling Review

After contractor implanted the remodel kitchen design sketch in your home, it’s time to review it. This step involves revision and modification of the kitchen.

Check things like electricity, taps and appliances fitting space, etc.

8. Kitchen Remodeling Review

  1. Inspection

This is the last and final thing you need to do before receiving your new small kitchen. Get that sketch of kitchen and examine it with the real work.

If everything perfect as it was sketched, then congrats yourself for the new kitchen.

9. Inspection