When identifying someone’s verification remotely, businesses face a big problem. How do they know if the person being verified is actually present?  

Liveness detection solves this problem. Liveness detection answers, ‘How can we confirm the person on the other end of the screen?’ 

Essentially, it’s a form of facial recognition that verifies if, in fact, a person is present and taking a live picture. For example, if you requested a selfie in your verification process, liveness detection would include a 3D scan to verify the camera was pointed at an actual person and not at a photo. 

This ID verification tool authenticates the person is truly who they claim to be, that they are present, and adds a layer of protection against issues like spoofing.  

Interested in how businesses can get started? This article will dig deep into the need for liveness detection, how it strengthens identity verification, and why your business should be using it. 

The Need for Stronger Identity Verification 

In the past, identity verification was easy. A customer visits a store, the staff asks for a physical ID card, and checks if the photo matches. Then, the transaction is made.  

Today, however, many more transactions are conducted online. Therefore, we need stronger ID verification tools. Here are three key reasons why:  

1. Transition to Online Channels 

Now everything is online! We perform a lot of activities online, from opening bank accounts and shopping to accessing healthcare and government services. Hence, we need tools to verify the other party without them being physically present. 

2. Scammers Trying to Steal Personal Information 

We all face cases where scammers try to impersonate your identity or steal your personal information. This is when identity verification methods such as liveness detection take control of the situation. It verifies the identity and physical presence, greatly reducing fraudulent activities like spoofing or deepfake identity fraud. 

3. Traditional ID Methods No Longer Suffice 

Traditional identity verification methods, such as username and password, are no longer foolproof. Hackers can crack them easily. So, we need stronger methods, and that’s where liveness detection comes into play. 

What Is Liveness Detection? 

In simple terms, liveness detection makes sure a person is physically present when performing a verification online.  

Here’s how:  

Many verification methods ask a user to submit a photo. With 3D liveness detection, the verification tool determines if the user submitting the photo is actually present.  

For example, Raymond works at a liquor store and has a delivery receipt for Pat. He needs to make sure Pat is really who he says he is. 

Liveness detection will ask for LIVE proof to cross-verify Patt’s identity. It is a simple (yet technologically advanced) solution to “Are you really there?” and making sure the answer is a “Yes!” 

Pat might be asked to perform simple actions like smiling or sharing a live selfie. The identity verification software will check if facial pointers match the given data and also use a 3D scans to prevent the user from spoofing an identity by taking a “selfie” of an existing photo. 

How Liveness Detection Makes Identity Verification Stronger 

Let’s understand the benefits of liveness detection and how it contributes to a safer and smoother identity verification process: 

1. Prevents Spoofing 

Imagine a scenario where someone tries to use a photograph or a video of you to pretend to be you. As liveness detection requires a real person to perform actions, no static image or a pre-recorded video can replicate. 

2. Guards Against Deepfakes 

Deepfakes are incredibly realistic videos or audio recordings created using artificial intelligence. Deepfake imposters are rising; nearly 91% of US companies find it a growing threat.  

Liveness detection finds deepfakes and cross-verifies with a real-time selfie that, generally, AI can’t impersonate. 

3. Adds an Extra Layer of Security 

Has your email account asked, ‘Do you want to set up a two-factor authentication?’. If yes, that is possibly a liveness detection step.  

Think of it as an extra lock on your digital front door. If someone can access your account details by hacking your username and password, they must face a liveness check.   

So, if you haven’t yet set a two-step process, now is the time! 

4. Enhances Trust in Online Transactions 

During online shopping or sharing financial documents, you want proof that you’re dealing with a live person and not becoming a victim of fraudulent activity.  

Liveness detection makes that possible. It interacts with a LIVE action, such as a selfie, to ensure the person is not a scammer. 

5. Reduces Data Breaches 

Traditional identity verification methods could not flag fraudulent users causing unauthorized access into legitimate accounts. Facial liveness detection helps reduce these data breaches by providing additional ID proof, such as two-step verification. 

How Liveness Detection Works 

We can divide the ways you can perform liveness detection in your business: 

Action-Based Verification: Proof of identity by facing the camera and smiling, blinking, or keeping your head straight. It’s nearly impossible for AI deepfakes to mimic these actions and to do it in real-time. 

Facial Recognition: The identity verification system cross-verifies the facial markers with their database, such as the size and length of the nose or distance between two eyes. After analyzing these features against their data, liveness detection confirms the user’s identity to be authentic or fake. 

3D Scans: Many liveness detection tools require you to move the camera around to determine that person taking the selfie is actually present. 

Machine Learning: Companies are now introducing machine learning algorithms to identify and improve their ability to distinguish between real people and deepfakes.  

Facial Biometrics in Real-World Industries 

Liveness detection is a trusted identity verification method used in various industries: 

Banking and Fintech Industry: Many banks and fintech companies now use liveness detection tools such as facial recognition to make user experience better and prevent fraud. 

Healthcare: Medical and healthcare services use liveness detection to verify patients’ identities, saving time and energy while improving medical advice and prescriptions. 

Government Services: Many government agencies, such as law enforcement, driver’s licenses, etc., use liveness detection to monitor and track applications. 

Travel: Airports and airlines use liveness detection tools to enhance security, smoother check-in process, and better customer service. 

The Future of Liveness Detection

Liveness detection for face recognition and biometric authentication has significantly reduced spoofing and phishing activities. This means safer and smoother online transactions and better customer interactions. 

Liveness detection is like a guard for your online platform’s front door, only letting in those who pass the test. Isn’t it cool!  

So, the next time when asked to blink or smile for identity verification, remember it’s to make the digital world safer!!