Online Quran Classes USA: The holy book Quran is comprised of 114 surahs and each surah has a different aspect in its subject and significance. Why to lear surah Fatiha? One must read and recite these surahs, but you cannot understand the teachings until you learn the translation along with the meaning. Surah-Alag is the first surah of the Quran and each surah stars with the “Bismillah” except one (Surah-Al-Tawbah). Surah Fatiha has just only seven verses. It has a lot of significance because of many reasons. Surah Fatiha is the first surah of the holy book Quran. Why choose online Quran teachers? Liverquranforkids offer online Quran classes USA and several other countries to learn Quran online.

It has the greatest importance as one who offers prayer, must recite surah Fatiha otherwise his/her prayer will not be accepted by Allah. It is the opening surah of the Quran, it is also known as Umm-al-Kitaab which means mother or essence of the holy book, Al-Hamid which means to praise, Salaat means prayer, and Al-Aafiyah is regarded as the sufficient one. To get more information about this surah, you can choose online Quran teachers. It is Meccan surah, as it was revealed in Makkah.

The main theme of Surah Fatiha

It defines the principles of the oneness of Allah and Tawheed. It also states that Allah is the only creator and originator of this whole universe. And humans are though. Allah is the only dictator and master who sent down the Quran which is the sole source of counseling for mankind. These principles of guidance are sent through the messengers of Allah. In the Islamic belief system, Tawheed is the main unit that every Muslim has to accept, to accept that Allah is the only one. Online Quran teacher will briefly guide you in this aspect. Surah Fatiha consists of 25 words and a total of 113 letters.

Surah Alfatiha is a dua seeking guidance for the right path and in return, the holy Quran is the reply to that dua. When we recite Al-Humdulillah, the word “Al” refers that all the praise being for Allah. The word “Rabb” meaning is here for the master or owner who is a provider and guardian which is the administrator, ruler, and organizer of everything that owns in this and outside the world. Hence, this means Allah is only worthy to worship. Allah is the sovereign power and merciful. And whoever develops a strong belief in Allah will get unlimited blessings not only in this life but also afterlife. Well, if one wants to increase their knowledge regarding each verse of this surah, one may take help from your online Quran teachers, they will explain through online Quran classes USA and other countries as well.

Fifth Kalima: Istighfar

It is also known as the kalmia of Istighfar as it is to seek the forgiveness of sins from our Allah. We can recite it as many times as we want, anywhere and at any time as it is a statement of repentance. It always reminds us that Allah is so merciful, no matter how we betrayed Him but He is still there to forgive our sins. It acts as a shield for defense from punishments (sins, we done). So, one should recite it as many times to seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. How to learn the fifth Kalima of Istighfar?  Online Quran teachers also make you learn all Kalima’s and small suha’s, so one may recite its daily routine.

Earning of Blessings by the recitation of Kalima

The Kalima of Istighfar increases one rizq along with other happiness. It is an easily approachable way to increase your wealth or rizq. Anyone can do it by simply practicing it as it is the key to being concentrated and wholehearted while reciting the Kalima of Istighfar. It is not only for asking forgiveness from Allah but also to create a divine relationship with Allah. Online Quran teachers especially concentrated on kids and beginners to learn the all Kalima and the benefits of recitation.

Fifth Kalima for helping through worldly affairs

By recitation of the fifth Kalim, we intentionally enter into Allah’s blessings doors as we ask for His guidance and forgiveness so in return Allah blesses us with His mercy. Recitation of Kalima Istighfar helps those who are facing financial issues that will serve as a breakthrough in worldly affairs. Online Quran teachers USA and those countries where Muslims are living as a minority, this mode to learn online Quran is the best fitted.


Surah-Faitha has a lot of importance that one must learn, as it is essential for reciting during the prayers. Besides that, it is the opening surah of the Holy Quran. Secondly, the fifth Kalima which is called Kalima of Istighfar is vital to learn so one may get rid of their sins and purify heart and soul by creating a divine relationship with Allah to seek mercy from Him. One may get all these teachings through online Quran classes for Kids and all other countries by registering at the online Quran academy.