Our area of expertise is creating diamond ring designs that maintain the emotional bond between the giver and the recipient across time and between generations. Finding a unique engagement ring design has never been easy. You need to pick a look that will suit you not only now, but throughout the course of many years. We give you access to the traditional jewelry maker’s craft skills. With our aid, you can design your own original engagement, or dress ring. Our workers have years of experience working with clients to create the best engagement rings that bring a very lasting joy to both the giver and the receiver.

Why choose us

You are involved from the very beginning of the creative process when you order jewelry from us. You can include cut stones from existing jewelry into the design of an eternity or engagement ring. If you don’t already have stones, our gemmologist can help you choose one that not only matches your budget but also complements the ring you designed. The diamond rings Perth will be made with you in-store as your new engagement ring is handcrafted there. We will guide you through the design process utilizing traditional ring design procedures.

Making the decision to use any diamond to symbolize love for all time is a huge life accomplishment. Before buying a ring, it is very important to understand how to evaluate a diamond’s quality because no two diamonds are exactly the same. Experts assess diamonds according to the quality and one of the numerous factors that determine a diamond’s clarity is the quantity, and placement of inclusions or attributes that exist within every diamond. While inclusions are internal characteristics, blemishes are external flaws. The immense heat and pressure the earth applies to the diamond during its formation cause it to make our diamonds.