If you are in search of a suitable paver sealer – whether it’s a penetrating paver sealer, a solvent-based variant, or a water-based acrylic option – Foundation Armor offers a range of paver sealers tailored for various applications, be it concrete pavers or brick pavers.

Selecting the Right Paver Sealer

Choosing the right paver sealer depends on a few crucial factors. Firstly, it’s essential to consider the age of your pavers. Secondly, if your pavers have been previously sealed, compatibility with the existing sealer is crucial. We offer recommendations to guide you in making an informed choice.

Paver Sealer and Paver Age

When deciding on a sealer, follow your paver manufacturer’s guidelines. Some pavers can be sealed immediately after installation, while others require up to a year to ensure proper curing. This recommendation typically revolves around the pavers’ pH levels and other factors. Deviating from these guidelines can lead to sealer issues. For pavers older than a year, this is typically not a concern.

Paver Sealer and Previous Applications

If your pavers have never been sealed before, you have the freedom to choose any suitable paver sealer. However, when pavers have a prior sealer, you need to ensure compatibility. Here are considerations based on the type of previous sealer applied:

Water Repellent Paver Sealer: If your pavers previously had a water repellent sealer, you can reapply another water repellent sealer or switch to an acrylic sealer. Ensure that the old sealer no longer repels water to prevent compatibility issues.

Acrylic Paver Sealer: If the previous sealer was water-based acrylic, stick with a water-based sealer. If it was solvent-based, opt for a solvent-based acrylic sealer. Switching between water-based and solvent-based sealers may require removing the old sealer, and it’s wise to consult a Foundation Armor technician for guidance.

Concrete Paver Densifier Sealer: If a densifier like Armor S2000 or Armor L3000 was previously used, you can reseal with a water repellent or acrylic paver sealer, given that it has been at least seven days since the densifier application.

Pavers Coated with Urethane, Paint, or Other Coatings: If your pavers had a different type of coating, it’s best to consult the coating manufacturer for re-coat or removal options.

Selecting the Desired Paver Sealer Finish

For pavers without prior sealing, the choice of sealer largely depends on your desired finish and performance requirements:

Natural Paver Sealer Look: If you want to maintain the natural appearance of your pavers while providing protection, a penetrating sealer like Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB is ideal. These water repellent sealers work beneath the surface, reducing water absorption and enhancing durability.

Wet Look Paver Sealers: If you prefer the appearance of wet pavers, wet look sealers are the solution. Foundation Armor offers both gloss and matte finish options.

Low Gloss and High Gloss Paver Sealers: Acrylic paver sealers like Armor AR350 and Armor AR500 provide low and high gloss finishes, respectively. Consider the look you desire for your pavers.

Choosing Between Water-Based and Solvent-Based Acrylic Paver Sealers

Beyond aesthetics, differences exist between water-based and solvent-based acrylic sealers:

Odor: Solvent-based sealers may have a noticeable odor during application, while water-based sealers are less odorous, making them suitable for sensitive areas.

Application and Maintenance: Solvent-based sealers are easier to repair if issues arise. Water-based sealers may require removal if problems occur.

Recoating: Both types of acrylic sealers can be recoated, but surface preparation may vary for water-based sealers.

It’s important to select the right paver sealer for your specific needs. Reach out to a Foundation Armor technician for expert guidance before making your choice.

Considerations When Applying a Paver Sealer

When applying a paver sealer, consider the following:

Wet Surfaces: Ensure that your pavers are fully dry before sealing to prevent staining, delamination, and sealer failure.

Joint Sand: Most paver sealers do not harden or bond loose sand between joints. Use a sprayer for acrylic sealers to avoid picking up loose sand and spreading it on the pavers.

Paver Surface Porosity: Pavers are highly porous, so it’s easy to overapply a sealer. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to achieve the desired finish without overapplication.

Paver Sealer Types


Acrylic paver sealers offer a unique combination of penetration and a visible surface film, often with low or high gloss options. This surface film is strategically designed to withstand various stressors like vehicular and foot traffic, as well as exposure to harsh weather conditions, ensuring complete protection for your pavers. Their primary advantage is the creation of a protective barrier between the pavers and external elements. However, it’s worth noting that acrylic sealers require regular maintenance and reapplication. After a severe winter or prolonged exposure to hot, sunny conditions, you may find it necessary to reseal your pavers in the spring. Despite the maintenance involved, acrylic sealers provide excellent protection while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your pavers.


When selecting a paver sealer, it’s essential to consider the type of pavers you have, which typically fall into two categories: concrete pavers and clay brick pavers. While concrete pavers can be sealed with any of the aforementioned paver sealers, brick pavers require special attention. For clay brick pavers or red Chicago brick pavers, avoid using acrylic sealers, as they are prone to issues like delamination and premature failure. Opt for the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB for a natural look or the Armor WL550 for a matte wet look when sealing clay brick pavers. If you’re uncertain about your paver type or which sealer to use, our Foundation Armor technicians are here to assist you.

Paver Sealer Extends the Lifespan and Enhances the Aesthetic Appeal

Paver sealer plays a crucial role in extending the lifespan of your concrete pavers and preserving the beauty of your walkways, patios, pool decks, and driveways. Pavers face constant challenges, such as foot and vehicle traffic, weather fluctuations, and potential issues like staining, cracking, and delamination. Protecting your pavers with a professional-grade sealer is the most effective way to mitigate these problems. If you prefer low-maintenance sealing without altering the color or appearance of your pavers, consider using a penetrating water-repellent paver sealer like the Armor SX5000 or Armor SX5000 WB. These sealers work beneath the surface, offering up to 7-10 years of protection by preventing water absorption and associated damage.

Benefits of Using a Penetrating Paver Sealer:

Mold and Mildew Prevention: Penetrating paver sealers reduce water absorption through the pavers, helping them dry quickly and discouraging mold and mildew growth.

Cracking and Spalling Reduction: By minimizing water penetration into paver pores, these sealers protect against cracking and spalling caused by freezing water expansion.

Contaminant Resistance: These sealers keep dirt and minerals closer to the surface, prolonging paver life, reducing staining, and simplifying maintenance.

Water Damage Mitigation: Constant exposure to water, whether from irrigation or heavy rains, can lead to significant damage. Penetrating sealers maintain water close to the surface for faster drying, preserving paver condition.

Surface Stain Reduction: By slowing water and liquid absorption, these sealers make it easier to clean and prevent staining.

Penetrating paver sealers are a reliable choice for safeguarding your concrete pavers against damage, deterioration, and staining. If you’re considering sealing your pavers but prefer a no-film, low-maintenance approach, penetrating sealers provide peace of mind and protection against water absorption-related issues.

Acrylic Paver Sealers Offer Superior Durability with Additional Maintenance

Acrylic paver sealers provide comprehensive protection by leaving a visible surface film. This film shields the pavers from all forms of contact and potential damage, including staining, and deterioration due to water absorption. Additionally, acrylic paver sealers enhance the paver’s appearance. Solvent-based acrylic sealers enrich color and offer gloss, while water-based acrylic sealers provide a glossy finish with minimal impact on color. However, it’s crucial to note that acrylic sealers necessitate regular maintenance. The more challenging the environmental conditions, the more frequently they require resealing. Most acrylic sealers, whether solvent-based or water-based, need reapplication every 1-3 years.

Preparing for Paver Sealer Application

Proper preparation is vital for successful paver sealer application, regardless of whether you’re using a penetrating, solvent, or water-based sealer. Start by ensuring your pavers are clean and completely dry. The best cleaning method involves using a pressure washer, along with a mild cleaner like the Armor MSC100 if needed. Ensure thorough rinsing to remove any residue. After cleaning, allow the pavers at least 24 hours to dry fully before applying the sealer. Even if they appear dry on the surface, moisture trapped in the pores can affect the sealer. Extending the drying period enhances results. When resealing, the same cleaning process applies. Additionally, for pavers with stubborn stains, spot treatments can be employed. Always ensure that no cleaner residues are left on the surface, particularly when using an acid-based cleaner.

Avoiding Common Paver Sealer Issues

Most issues related to paver sealer application can be prevented through careful practices:

White Spots or Hazing: This can occur with acrylic paver sealers due to delamination. It’s usually caused by applying sealer to a surface that isn’t entirely dry. Prevent it by ensuring pavers are dry for at least 24 hours before and after sealing. Repairs are possible with Xylene or the Armor Blush Repair product for solvent-based sealers. Water-based sealers may require complete removal and reapplication.

Incompatibility: Applying paver sealer over an incompatible sealer or coating can lead to delamination. To avoid this, match the new sealer with the old one, typically using solvent-based acrylic sealers with similar ones and water-based acrylic sealers with similar products. Always test compatibility on the substrate and reach out to a Foundation Armor technician for guidance.

Sealing New Pavers Too Early: Delamination can occur when applying sealer to new pavers that haven’t cured adequately. Consult the manufacturer for recommended sealing times. Some pavers can be sealed immediately, while others may require a more extended waiting period.

Over-application: Pavers’ high porosity can lead to over-application. Over-applying an acrylic paver sealer can result in delamination. To prevent this, follow recommended coverage rates and, if you’re new to sealing, apply the product to a test area before sealing the entire surface.

Uneven Color Enhancement: If you notice uneven color enhancement when using decorative paver sealers, it’s often a sign of inadequate sealer application. Pavers absorb the sealer until it hardens in the pores. Apply thin, consistent coats and consider a third coat if necessary. Test a small area to gauge porosity and material requirements.

Lack of Gloss: Achieving the desired gloss finish while using an acrylic sealer can be challenging due to pavers’ porosity. To enhance gloss, apply thin, consistent coats, and consider a third coat as necessary.

Enhanced Staining: Applying sealer to dirty pavers can enhance existing stains. Prevention involves ensuring proper cleaning before sealing.

Dark Spots After Application: Rare but possible with penetrating sealers. They can result from over-application, incompatible surfaces, early sealing of new pavers, or excessive temperature. Specialized cleaners can help remedy dark spots. Follow application instructions to prevent them.

Frequently Asked Questions About Paver Sealers:

1. Slipperiness: Penetrating sealers maintain surface traction, while acrylic sealers can make pavers slippery when wet. To enhance traction with acrylic sealers, use Armor Non-Slip Additive.

2. Best Paver Sealer: The best choice depends on your specific needs and desired appearance. Foundation Armor technicians can help you select the right one.

3. Longest-lasting Sealer: Penetrating sealers like Armor SX5000 and Armor SX5000 WB typically last 7-10 years, while acrylic sealers require reapplication every 1-3 years.

4. High Gloss Finish: High gloss is achievable with products like Armor AR500 or Armor WB25, although porosity may slightly reduce gloss.

5. Color Enhancement: Use Armor WL550 for slight color enhancement and solvent-based acrylic sealers like Armor AR350 or Armor AR500 for a true wet look.

6. Gloss Finish without Darkening: For a gloss finish with minimal color enhancement, opt for water-based acrylic sealers like Armor WB15 or Armor WB25.

7. Sealer Lifespan: Penetrating sealers last up to 7-10 years, acrylic sealers require reapplication every 1-3 years, and hybrid products like Armor WL550 offer 3-5 years of protection.

8. Application Method: An HVLP sprayer is the best way to apply paver sealer. Rollers can be used for acrylic sealers but require caution around loose joint sand.

9. Sealing Necessity: While not mandatory, some form of protection is preferable. For low-maintenance, consider Armor SX5000 WB.

10. Foundation Armor’s Quality: Foundation Armor is committed to premium, non-recycled resin formulations, ensuring long-lasting and true-to-color results. Our products are engineered to protect your investments effectively.

Concrete Sealers – Uncompromising Quality

Not all concrete sealers are equal in quality. Foundation Armor takes pride in meticulously formulating industrial-grade concrete sealers, designed to meet the most stringent requirements. Our water-based and solvent-based concrete sealers are engineered for a wide range of applications, from concrete driveways to stamped concrete walkways, and even industrial settings such as polished concrete floors. Our commitment to zero-compromise quality ensures that our sealers outperform others, delivering consistent, long-lasting results. We use only virgin, non-recycled resins in our formulations, which are critical in maintaining color fidelity and durability. While some lower-end products may rely on recycled resins, these can introduce imperfections, leading to variations in color and performance. When you choose Foundation Armor, you choose premium formulations that stand the test of time.

Protect Your Investment with Foundation Armor

Foundation Armor is a multi-generational family-owned and operated manufacturer of industrial concrete sealers and coatings. We are not only committed to producing high-quality products but also to providing a customer-first experience. Our brand values honesty, quality, and reliability. We are dedicated to helping you make the best purchasing decisions for your projects. We understand that your home, family, or business is a significant investment, and we are here to help you protect, enhance, and enjoy it to the fullest.