Mice infestations can be a real nuisance for homeowners, and finding mouse droppings in your cupboards is a clear sign that these rodents have made their way into your home. But how high can mice jump? Believe it or not, Mice can jump over 24 inches if they start running after they stop at a distance of 10 inches from the ground. They can thus enter locations where you might not expect them to. Mice will use some daredevil methods to get food or shelter that appears to be out of their reach to us. The remarkable thing is that you can take several precautions to keep mice out of your home and your cabinets.


What Attracts Mice to Homes?

Mice are attracted to homes for many reasons. One reason is that homes offer a warm, safe place for them to nest. Mice also like to eat the same food as humans, so your kitchen pantry can be a veritable buffet. If you have a lot of clutter in your home, that can also provide places for mice to hide and build their nests.


How to Keep Mice Out of the Home

One of the best ways to stop mice from entering your home is to seal up any cracks or holes that they might use. This includes gaps around doors and windows and any openings in the foundation or exterior walls. You can close these off using caulk, steel wool, or mesh screening.


Another way to deter mice is to eliminate their food sources. Food should be kept off the ground and on counters and stored in airtight containers. Keep your kitchen clean by sweeping up crumbs and regularly removing trash.


You can also make your home less inviting to mice by removing clutter and keeping things tidy. Mice like to nest in the dark, secluded areas, so getting rid of excess paper, boxes, and other materials will make it harder to find a cozy spot in your home.


Finally, consider using mouse traps or bait stations if you have a persistent rodent problem. Place them strategically around your home, following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.


Food Storage Tips for Preventing Infestations

One of the best ways to prevent mice infestations is to store food properly. Mice are attracted to food sources, so keeping your food storage areas clean and free of crumbs and other debris is essential. Here are some tips for proper food storage:


Store dry goods in airtight containers: This will help to keep out moisture, which can attract mice.

Avoid storing food on the floor: Mice can easily access food stored on shelves or in cupboards.

Keep counters and floors clean: Wiping up spills and crumbs immediately will help to deter mice.

Use mouse-proof containers: Some containers, such as metal or glass, are more difficult for mice to access.


Cleanliness and Sanitation to Deter Mice

The best defense against mouse infestations is maintaining spotless cabinets free of food waste. Mice are attracted to food sources, so keeping your cabinets clean and free of crumbs will help deter them from entering your home. Additionally, regular cleaning and vacuuming will help to remove any potential hiding places for mice.


Traps, Baits, and Other Extermination Methods

Several traps, baits, and other extermination methods are available to help prevent mice infestations in your home. Some of the most common include:


  • Snap traps are simple mechanical devices that snap shut when the mouse steps on them, killing the rodent instantly. They are very effective but need to be checked regularly and replaced if they become full of mouse droppings or otherwise dirty;
  • Glue boards are coated with a sticky adhesive that traps mice when they try to walk across it. They can be positioned for extended periods in high-traffic areas like doorways or nearby food sources.
  • Live traps capture mice alive to be released into the wild away from your home. They usually consist of a small cage with bait inside, and once the mouse enters the cage, the door shuts behind it, preventing it from escaping;
  • Poison baits contain poisonous chemicals that kill mice when they eat them. They should be reserved for last resort, as they can pose a risk to pets and children if not used properly.



Mice infestations can be a nightmare, so it’s essential to take proactive steps to prevent them from happening in the first place. Regularly inspect and clean out your pantry and monitor any potential entryways or food sources mice may find attractive. With these measures, you can rest assured that your home is safe from pesky rodents! By following our tips for keeping your cupboards rodent-free, you should be able to ensure that your home remains pest-free for years to come.