Programmatic digital out-of-home advertising (pDOOH) uses auction technology software to automate the buying and selling of ad inventory. This makes it easier and faster for buyers to find and buy the right ads.

It also allows them to run, optimize, and report on their campaigns all within the same platform. This can also save a lot of time negotiating and trafficking creative.

What is programmatic out-of-home advertising

Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH) is the automated buying, selling, and delivery of ad space on digital OOH screens like billboards. Programmatic technology has already revolutionized desktop and mobile advertising and is now beginning to make a real impact on the world of digital OOH.

Essentially, computers automate the process of buying and selling ads in much the same way that they do on other platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Buyers set the conditions under which they want to buy media and, when those conditions are met, an ad is automatically purchased and delivered to the screen.

One of the key advantages of programmatic DOOH is that it enables marketers to utilize first-party data to create and target persona-based audiences, with a focus on contextual relevance. This can be a powerful way to drive brand awareness and conversions within the wider audience reach of traditional DOOH.

Another benefit is that the digital out of home programmatic DOOH can shorten the time between viewing available inventory and booking it, reducing personnel costs and making the whole process more efficient. It also enables the layering of data and analytics to better inform OOH campaigns. This can range from enhancing campaign delivery by leveraging weather conditions or traffic levels to more nuanced targeting such as stock and footfall levels in specific stores, according to Block.

What does include programmatic out-of-home ads

Programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) is a process by which computers automate the sale and delivery of out-of-home advertising – that’s ads on your favorite billboards, signs, and digital signage. Basically, it’s just like what happens on the internet – buyers will set conditions under which they want to buy media and when those criteria are met, the ad is served automatically.

Using data integration, advertisers can use their own first-party data to create persona-based audiences and then reach those audiences across the most relevant screens and locations. This helps to improve campaign performance, increase reach, and drive efficiencies across the whole OOH ecosystem.

There are a number of ways to purchase programmatic OOH inventory, depending on your needs. These options include private real-time bidding, guaranteed programmatic deals, and open exchanges.

With the ability to add programmatic DOOH to a multichannel campaign, marketers can retarget mobile users, amplify existing social media campaigns, or even run video content on a high-impact DOOH screen. In addition, DOOH is a highly effective platform to deliver real-time, contextual messaging in the form of live news and weather updates. For example, Subway recently ran an interactivity campaign on their DOOH screens across the UK inviting people to join a dance-off with a TigerPig robot at their stores.

Programmatic out of home advertising in 2023

The ad landscape in 2023 will see programmatic out-of-home advertising (pDOOH) taking center stage as a key component of omni-channel campaigns. In a time when marketers are looking to maximize their budgets and deliver more impact, digital out-of-home will help brands do just that.

With pDOOH, computers automate the buying and selling of ad space on billboards and other digital OOH assets. This allows advertisers to reach the right audiences at the right time without having to manually negotiate media deals or rely on third-party middlemen.

Using a DOOH DSP, such as Hivestack, buyers can set conditions that they want to index for and only pay when those conditions are met. This enables nuanced targeting based on external factors like weather, and traffic levels, or internal metrics like audience receptiveness.

This is a powerful new way to use data, but it’s important to remember that it is people that drive the programmatic ecosystem. Our consultative, dedicated team is ready to work with you to understand your goals and best utilize this innovative technology to achieve measurable results and campaign impact. Interested in learning more? Contact us today. We’d love to chat!