One of the most important guidelines is that you must actively promote YouTube video if you want to maximise the number of views on your videos and, consequently, revenue.

However, if you pour all of your creative energy into your videos and run out of suggestions for how to promote them, we have the greatest tactics.

To help you start earning money from your online content, we’ve put together 3 exclusive strategies which will surely help you to promote YouTube video.

Ready to get started to promote your videos?

1. Post Consistently

Starting with the fundamentals, posting consistently and on schedule is our first strategy to promote YouTube videos.

Viewers may perceive a lack of devotion or a lack of new content on your channel if you just sometimes post and have a small library of videos.

You can promote more videos that can reach a larger audience and demonstrate to viewers that you’re always on top of the trends by posting frequently.

Making a publishing schedule also shows subscribers that you’re devoted to your channel and allows them know when to look forward to new content, which heightens interest.

This explains why a lot of YouTube channels list their posting days in the header.

Here’s how to start consistently uploading to YouTube:

  • Frequency of your post: Consider your workload and the number of high-quality videos you can produce each week.
  • Choose the days you want to publish: Decide the days of the week you want to post the videos; the greatest days for YouTube posting are Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
  • Select a day or two each week: You should choose a day or two to generate a large number of videos so that you may edit and schedule them all at once.
  • Create a content calendar: Make a calendar so that you can decide which videos to post each day and schedule them to go live in advance. Do this for all of your videos.

By doing this, you can make sure that you upload enough content to attract and hold the attention of your audience. They’ll also be aware of the precise date and time of your subsequent video.

2. Create Original Video Titles

Do you ever watch a video from a new YouTuber just because it has a catchy title?

This is due to the fact that one of the key factors influencing people to click on your videos is their title.

The key to promote YouTube videos is to make sure your titles are distinctive and attention-grabbing, whether you want to go for trendy titles or an unconventional one.

Your video titles must:

  • Be specific: Viewers should be able to infer what the video is about from the title.
  • Write short titles: Write your title in 60 characters or fewer, being succinct and to the point, to ensure that the entire title appears on the Recommended Videos page.
  • Create an connection: You should try to connect with the viewers by using your title to elicit a response from readers or to benefit them.

Spend some time coming up with titles for videos. In addition, you may check out what other creators are up to or enlist the aid of friends in choosing the title they’ll be most likely to click on.

3. Use Optimised Keywords 

Choosing the appropriate keywords is essential for increasing traffic to your videos.

Frequently, when searching for information on Google, you’ll find a few YouTube videos suggested as possible answers.

Your likelihood of appearing in those search results will increase if you target the proper keywords.

Additionally, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, so users look there for a variety of solutions and instructions.