You’ve been through an emotional and often stressful divorce. It’s time to move on and focus on building your future. However, there are still some important legal matters that you need to address before you can move forward with your life. If you have children or property in common with your spouse, then a family law attorney is helpful for ensuring that everything is divided as fairly as possible between both parties. 

But what about if you don’t have children or property to divide? In this post we’ll give several examples of why it’s so important to choose a qualified family lawyers Gold Coast when going through a divorce process so that both parties can come out feeling satisfied by the outcome of their case.

The divorce process

The divorce process can be complex, and it’s different in every state. The first step is to draft a petition for divorce, which outlines the reasons for the separation and requests an outcome from the court.

 If you’re seeking an uncontested divorce (meaning there won’t be any disputes over property or children), this part of your case will likely be straightforward. But if there are issues that need to be resolved, you’ll need to file additional paperwork with your petition–for example, if you want custody of your children or spousal support (alimony).

Once all parties involved have signed off on their respective documents–and assuming that no one objects–your spouse will receive notice of their right to reply at least 21 days before they appear in court on your scheduled hearing date.

family lawyers

 At this point they may choose not only whether they wish pursue an uncontested or contested divorce but also whether they want mediation services provided by an attorney as part of this process as well; these decisions could make all difference when it comes time decide how assets should be divided between spouses after decades spent together under one roof!

Custody and time-sharing

Custody and time-sharing are terms that refer to the legal rights and responsibilities of parents in regard to their children. In Florida, these rights and responsibilities can be shared by both parents or given exclusively to one parent. A court will determine a child’s custody arrangement based on what is in the best interest of the child, which may include any number of factors such as:

  • The wishes of both parents;
  • The wishes of only one parent;
  • The wishes of the child if he or she is old enough (usually age 12)

The court may also consider other factors when determining an appropriate custody arrangement, such as whether one parent has been found guilty of domestic violence against another family member within two years before filing for divorce; whether there has been domestic violence during your marriage; whether either party has been convicted under federal law for human trafficking involving children under 18 years old; etc..

Child support and alimony

Child support is the money paid by one parent to another in order to help with the costs of raising their children. It’s usually determined by a court and can be ordered to be paid on a regular basis, or it may be an amount that is paid only when necessary (for example, if the child needs expensive medical care).

Alimony is money paid by one spouse to another after divorce or separation for financial assistance during their transition into single life. 

Alimony can also be awarded as part of an agreement made between two people before they get married; this type of alimony is known as separate maintenance. In most states, courts will consider several factors when determining how much alimony should be awarded: how long you’ve been married; whether you have custody rights over any minor children; where each party lives now; your age and health condition; income levels; debts owed by either party; tax consequences associated with receiving payments from someone else’s income stream (i..e., social security benefits); etc.

Spousal maintenance

Spousal maintenance, also known as spousal support or alimony, is the financial support paid by one spouse to another after divorce or separation. It’s meant to help the receiving spouse maintain a standard of living similar to what they enjoyed during the marriage. Spousal maintenance may be awarded if:

  • The couple has been married for at least ten years (in Ontario).
  • One spouse has made significant contributions towards education or training that have increased their earning capacity since marriage (like going back to school).
  • The other spouse has limited ability to work due to illness, disability or age.


In conclusion, the divorce process is a complex one that requires careful planning and attention to detail. A qualified family lawyers Gold Coast can help you navigate these waters and ensure that your rights are protected throughout this process.