Red light therapy is a non-invasive, natural treatment that uses red and near-infrared light to promote healing and rejuvenation of the skin. This type of light therapy has been used for decades to treat various ailments and has recently been gaining popularity as a skin care treatment.

Process of Red light therapy

The process of red light therapy begins with applying the light to the skin. This can be done with  a handheld device, one or multiple pads, or a full body bed. We utilize this full body type of red light device. It resembles a tanning bed. The entire body from head to toe can receive the benefits of red light with our device. The skin then absorbs the light photons, which triggers a cascade of beneficial biological processes. These processes reverse the effects of sun damage from UV and help reduce inflammation, stimulate collagen production, and improve skin tone and texture.

The effects of red light therapy might be seen in as little as one session, but for best results multiple treatments are recommended. This is because the light works best when used consistently over time. Multiple sessions may need to be done to receive the desired results depending on the area being treated. With regular treatment, the skin can become more radiant, youthful-looking, and healthier.

Cost of Red light therapy

It is important to note the cost can vary depending on the location and provider. On average, a single session can cost anywhere from $25 to $200. Our rates are some of the most affordable you will find. Some providers offer package deals or memberships, which can decrease the cost per session.

Overall, while the cost of red light therapy may seem high, it’s essential to consider the potential benefits, such as improved skin health, reduced inflammation, and pain relief. As with any health treatment, it’s critical to research and finds a reputable provider that fits your budget.

Who can provide me with Red light therapy?

If you’re looking to try red light therapy, you might wonder who provides this treatment. The truth is, there are various places where you can find red light therapy services.

  • One option is to visit a spa or wellness center. Many of these facilities offer red light therapy as part of their menu of services. The red light devices used in clinics is higher power and gets desired results for their clients.
  • Another option is to purchase a red light therapy device for home use. Many different brands and models are available, ranging in price from a hundred to thousands of With a home device, you can enjoy the benefits of red light therapy on your schedule without leaving your house. However, most of the home units are lower size and power and do not give the same results as the commercial devices found in clinics.

So, whether you prefer to visit a spa or invest in a home device, there are plenty of options for accessing red light therapy. It’s essential to research and choose a reputable provider or device. But with a little effort, you can start enjoying the benefits of this innovative treatment.


Red light therapy is a safe and effective treatment for various health and beauty concerns. Whether you want to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage, increase collagen production, reduce inflammation, improve skin tone and texture, or promote wound healing, red light therapy may be your best option.