Perhaps you have just bought an empty or dilapidated hotel and are looking for ideas and inspiration on how to get started with your renovation plans.

Alternatively, maybe your hotel is very much still in daily operation, but the internal and external aesthetics and facilities look and seem outdated.

Either way, if you are looking to renovate an old and dated hotel, then read on!

     1.   Re-Design the Front Desk

The reception is the first place your guests will visit upon arrival at your hotel, so it makes sense to spend more time considering the first impression they are likely to receive and work to improve it.

Self-check-in booths, if financially viable, are a fantastic way to keep the queues down and allow autonomy for each of the guests and often contribute to a more satisfied guest experience score once the stay is complete.

Such desks have the added benefit of giving your reception staff more time to deal with queries, questions, or complaints, once again improving levels of guest satisfaction.

Furthermore, another technological addition could be an app specifically designed for paying hotel guests whereby they can order room service, book spa treatments, and generally handle their booking and stay from the comfort of their room.

     2.   The Pool Is Everything!

Another important factor to consider when modernizing the building is to pay close attention to those luxury yet sought-after hotel amenities and facilities, such as a pool, as this is what potential guests look for the most.

A fantastic way to modernize the aesthetics of a hotel poolside is to look into glass fence installation for pools from an established and experienced designing and fitting company.

     3. Short-Term Childcare Facilities

If you are really serious about modernizing and upgrading your hotel, with the end goal of increasing the number of guests staying on an average week and, therefore, boosting profits, then you should also think about creating a short-term childcare facility within the building.

Tips for hotels that have never previously provided such services include the following:

  • Providing longer opening hours than traditional after-school clubs
  • Providing toys, games, and arts and crafts activities that vary each day
  • Hiring vetted and trained professional childcare providers
  • Including the cost of childcare for a certain amount of time within the price of the stay

     4. Install a Conference Center

Depending on the location and size of your hotel, you may also want to consider the addition of a conference center or at least a meeting room that is always available for business professionals.

Should you choose this option, ensure that the space is sound-proofed, that it cannot be accessed by random members of the public or other hotel guests at any time, and that the internet connection available in the space is stable, secure, and of high quality and speed.

In addition, you will want to situate your new conference room either adjacent to or at least near restrooms and a vending machine (or even better, the hotel restaurant or lunchtime café).