When virtualizing a data center, it’s important to consider the type of storage infrastructure that will best suit your needs. One option is Storage Area Network (SAN) storage, which offers both advantages and disadvantages for virtualized environments.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of SAN storage for virtualized environments in order to help you make an informed decision about what’s right for your business. We’ll look at how SANs can boost performance and scalability while also discussing potential drawbacks such as cost and complexity. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of whether or not SAN storage is the right choice for your organization. Let’s get started!

Advantages of Using SAN Storage for Virtualized Environments

One of the greatest advantages of using SAN storage for virtualized environments is performance. By connecting multiple servers and storage devices to a centralized pool, SANs provide high-speed access to data. This eliminates bottlenecks associated with traditional storage solutions, resulting in improved application response times and increased throughput. Additionally, by utilizing networks that are designed to prioritize I/O requests from virtual machines (VMs), SANs can help ensure that VMs have access to the resources they need when they need them.

Added Scalability with SAN Storage

In addition to performance benefits, another advantage of using SANs is scalability. Since all nodes within a SAN network are connected via a single fabric or backbone, administrators can easily scale up or down based on their needs without making major changes to the infrastructure. This allows businesses to quickly add new servers or storage nodes as needed and avoid costly downtime associated with reconfiguring existing environments. Additionally, SANs can support heterogeneous operating systems, making them ideal for businesses that need to run applications on different platforms.

Disadvantages of Using SAN Storage for Virtualized Environments

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks to using a SAN in virtualized environments. For one thing, they tend to be expensive and complex to deploy, configure, and manage. This means that organizations may need to hire additional IT staff or outsource their SAN management tasks in order to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Additionally, since VMs rely on shared resources from a single pool of disks, if something should go wrong, it can affect the availability of multiple VMs at once.


Overall, SAN storage for virtualized environments can be a powerful tool if used correctly. By connecting multiple servers and storage devices to a single network, businesses can enjoy improved performance and scalability without having to make major changes to their infrastructure. Additionally, SANs are ideal for heterogeneous environments that require applications to run on different platforms. On the other hand, they tend to be costly and complex to deploy and manage, meaning organizations may need additional IT staff or outsourced management services in order to ensure optimal performance. At the end of the day, only you can decide whether or not SAN solution is the right solution for your virtualized environment needs.