You’ve likely seen supplements on the shelf, from multivitamins to vitamin D, calcium, fish oil, or echinacea. NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) provides scientific information on these products.

It’s important to note that dietary supplements are not drugs, and they cannot treat or cure diseases. However, some research shows that they can provide health benefits.

1. To Restore Nutrient Balance

Nutrition Supplement

Dietary supplements are products that you add to your diet to make sure you get the nutrients you need. They come in pill, capsule, tablet, gummy, powder or liquid form and can include vitamins, minerals and herbal products (also known as botanicals).

Many people need InstAminos dietary supplements to help them meet their daily recommendations for certain nutrients or provide a more concentrated amount of micronutrients than they’re able to get through food alone. However, they should not be used as a replacement for a healthy eating routine that includes a variety of foods.

The FDA doesn’t approve dietary supplements before they are sold, though the agency does inspect their manufacturers and review their labels to make sure they don’t contain claims that make them drugs (such as treating, diagnosing or curing diseases). It’s important to talk with your health care professional before you take any dietary supplement.

2. To Support Healthy Digestion

A healthy diet contains a variety of foods to give you the nutrients you need. However, poor eating habits and stress can lead to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body.

Food supplements are concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals and other substances that might have a physiological effect (in particular amino acids, essential fatty acids and fibre). They can be found in pill or powder form, and include multivitamins, fish oil capsules and soluble fiber mixes.

Dietary supplements are regulated as foods under EU legislation and manufacturers are responsible for their safety. This includes ensuring that they are safe for consumption, and if any adverse reactions occur, the manufacturer must notify the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

3. To Prevent Dehydration

Nutrition Supplement

Many people turn to supplements for a variety of reasons. A dietary supplement is an extra source of nutrients that comes in pill, powder or liquid form and is sold without a prescription. Common examples include multivitamins, fish oil pills, soluble fiber mixes and herbal products like echinacea.

It is important to understand what nutritional supplements are and the role of the FDA when it comes to regulating them. It is illegal for a supplement company to make claims that their product prevents, cures or treats any medical condition.

Aside from drinking plenty of plain water, other recommendations to combat dehydration include consuming noncaffeinated tea and beverages containing electrolytes (like coconut water), says Levitan. She also suggests avoiding any foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect, such as caffeine or alcohol.

4. To Support Weight Loss

Dietary supplements are available in pill and powder form. Multivitamins, fish oil pills, soluble fiber mixes, and botanicals like echinacea are just some of the many dietary supplements that can be found on store shelves or online.

A dietary supplement is any substance that is intentionally added to food or a beverage in order to improve nutritional status. It can be manufactured and sold by food business operators and placed on the market in the EU under harmonised legislation on foods containing vitamins and minerals, or substances that can exert a physiological effect.

The FDA does not approve dietary supplements for safety before they are put on the market, but it has roles in regulating them after they enter the marketplace. This includes inspecting facilities, reviewing product labels to make sure they do not contain claims that could render them drugs (e.g., treat, cure, or prevent diseases).

5. To Support Energy Levels

Nutrition Supplement

While avoiding processed foods, exercising regularly, managing stress levels, and getting enough sleep can help boost energy levels, sometimes we need a little extra support. Taking a nutritional supplement that contains vitamins and minerals that are involved in metabolic processes that yield energy, such as B-complex vitamins and iron, may help.

It’s important to choose a vitamin supplement that is manufactured by a trusted brand. This ensures you’re getting a high-quality product with premium ingredients. Look for products that don’t contain unnecessary additives, such as artificial sweeteners and coloring agents, which can be hard on the stomach and cause unwanted side effects.

Dietary supplements can be found in pill, tablet, capsule, powder, bar, and gummy forms. They can provide nutrients either extracted from natural sources or synthetically. They are regulated as foods in the EU and must comply with harmonised legislation.