If you block the return air vent during a hot day, you can expect your home to get stuffy. While this may not seem like a problem, this issue is very dangerous. When your home gets too hot, your body can’t cool itself down. This can lead to high body heat, which can cause heart problems and other serious issues. If you’re experiencing this problem, try to figure out what’s causing the blocking a return air vent.

What is the return air vent?

Many people don’t know what a return air vent is, but it is an important part of your HVAC system. The return air vent is located outside your HVAC unit and is designed to bring fresh air. If you block the return air vent, it could cause the unit to overheat and break down. This could lead to a lot of problems, including the need for costly repairs. So, if you need your HVAC unit working properly, ensure you don’t block the return air vent.

What are the symptoms of a blocked return air vent?

A major problem if you block the return air vent is that the furnace will be less likely to perform. The furnace will not be able to produce heat. This problem will likely occur if a pet, a curtain, or furniture block the return air vent. If your furnace is not producing heat, you should take the following steps:

  1. Remove the table blocking the return air vent.
  2. Clean the return air vent.
  3. Check the fan.
  4. If you can still heat your home, call a professional.

What should you do if you have a blocked return air vent?

You should use a broom if you have a blocked return air vent. It would help if you also tried to find the cause of the blockage. It would help if you did not use a vacuum cleaner on the return air vent because it can cause the blockage to widen.


The main problem with blocking the return air vent is that it could cause the furnace to overheat. Since this problem could result in serious injury or death, you should have the vent checked and cleaned if necessary. It is important to have the return air vent checked and cleaned if necessary.