Fistulas form when inflammation causes sores or ulcers to grow in the interior wall of the gut or adjacent organs. Ulcers can grow through the full thickness of the gut wall, forming a tunnel to drain pus from the affected area. An abscess, or pus accumulation, can potentially result in the formation of a fistula. Hence, the best fistula surgeon suggests removing fistula with surgery.

In Crohn’s disease patients, a fistula can occur within two portions of the intestine, either between the intestine and an organ, such as the bladder or vagina, or through the skin surface. Women suffering from Crohn’s disease may develop a fistula between the rectum and the vagina, which is often difficult to cure. Individual conditions might demand surgical therapy.

Before discussing the fistula treatment, it is important to know the symptoms.

Symptoms of fistulas

Depending on which region of the body is linked in the formation of the fistula, patients may have various symptoms.

Fistula between small and large intestine can show signs like:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Undigested food transit

Fistula between the gut and the bladder can show symptoms like:

  • Infection of the urinary tract
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Blood in the urine.

Fistula between the gut and the vaginal cavity ca

  • Abdominal pain
  • Foul smelling vaginal discharge
  • Painful intercourse
  • Repeated UTIs or Kidney infections
  • Gas or stool leakage from the vagina


Things you must know about fistula removal

While some fistulas may be treated with antibiotics and other medications. According to the best fistula doctor, if the infection does not respond to treatment or if the fistula is severe enough to necessitate emergency surgery, fistula removal surgery may be required.

To treat fistulas, there are various surgical procedures available, including:

  • A medical plug is used to seal the fistula and allow it to recover.
  • Seton is a thin surgical cable that is inserted into the fistula to assist in draining any infection and allow it to heal.
  • The best fistula surgeon makes an incision along the length of the fistula to allow it to heal.
  • To seal the fistula, a medical adhesive is used.

Here we covered everything that you must be aware of before going for a fistula laser treatment. If you notice any of the signs above, make sure you consult the best fistula doctor and get the fistula removed immediately.