When planning to join your partner in the UK, choosing the right visa is crucial. The UK offers two
primary options for partners: the Spouse Visa and the Fiancé Visa. Each serves a different purpose
and caters to different stages of a relationship. Understanding these distinctions is vital for making
an informed decision. The Spouse Visa is designed for those already married, allowing them to live,
work, and potentially settle in the UK. In contrast, the Fiancé Visa is for those intending to marry in
the UK within a specific timeframe. This guide aims to clarify the differences between these two visa
types, helping you to decide which one aligns best with your current circumstances and future plans.

What is a UK Spouse Visa?
The UK Spouse Visa allows a person married to a UK citizen or someone with settled status in the UK
to live in the country. This visa is applicable to both heterosexual and same-sex couples. The key
eligibility criteria include:
 Being legally married to a UK resident.
 Meeting financial requirements, typically a minimum annual income.
 Proving English language proficiency.
 Establishing that the marriage is genuine, and the couple intends to live together
permanently in the UK.
The Spouse Visa offers the right to work in the UK and access certain public funds, with a path to
settlement after a certain period.

What is a Fiancé Visa?
The UK Fiancé Visa is specifically for individuals who intend to marry a UK resident within six months
of arriving in the UK. It’s a crucial step for those who plan their wedding in the UK but currently
reside abroad. Eligibility criteria include:
 Proof of intention to marry within six months.
 Evidence of a genuine relationship.
 Financial stability to support oneself without public funds during the stay.
 Meeting the same English language requirements as the Spouse Visa.
This visa does not permit employment in the UK and is valid for six months, after which you must
switch to a Spouse Visa following the marriage.

Comparing Duration and Rights

The Spouse Visa is typically issued for 2.5 years and can be extended, leading to Indefinite Leave to
Remain and potentially British citizenship. In contrast, the Fiancé Visa lasts for six months, with no
option to extend. Holders of the Spouse Visa have the right to work in the UK and may access public
funds under certain conditions, whereas Fiancé Visa holders are not permitted to work and cannot
access public funds.
Application Process and Timescales
Both visas require an online application, including submission of supporting documents and
biometric information. The processing time for both visas can vary, typically ranging from a few
weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the specific office handling
the application. It’s crucial to prepare for potential delays, especially when planning a wedding
around the Fiancé Visa timeline.
Financial Requirements
Both the UK Spouse and Fiancé Visas have stringent financial requirements to ensure that applicants
can support themselves without public funds. For the Spouse Visa, the British partner must earn a
minimum annual income of £18,600, which increases if dependent children are also applying.
Savings can be considered, but specific rules apply to their calculation. For the Fiancé Visa,
applicants must demonstrate they have sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay, as
they are not allowed to work in the UK. Proving financial stability may include bank statements,
employment letters, and payslips.
Evidence of Relationship
To prove the genuineness of the relationship for both visas, applicants need to compile
comprehensive evidence. This may include:
 Marriage certificates or proof of marriage arrangements.
 Joint bank account statements, lease agreements, or utility bills.
 Photographs, travel records, and correspondence history.
 Statements from friends or family members.
Presenting this evidence in a clear, chronological order can strengthen the application, showcasing
the development and commitment within the relationship.
Pros and Cons

Spouse Visa Advantages:
 Allows work in the UK.
 Can lead to permanent residency and citizenship.
 Longer initial visa duration.
Spouse Visa Disadvantages:
 Requires actual legal marriage.
 Higher financial threshold with more stringent requirements.
Fiancé Visa Advantages:
 Ideal for couples planning to marry in the UK.
 Can be a stepping stone to a Spouse Visa.

Fiancé Visa Disadvantages:
 No work rights in the UK.
 Shorter duration requiring further visa applications post-marriage.
Seeking Professional Advice
UK Immigration Solicitors Navigating the complexities of UK spouse and fiancé visas can be
challenging. Consulting with immigration solicitors can provide clarity and increase the likelihood of
a successful application. specialize in this field and can offer tailored advice, ensuring your
application is complete, and compliant, and presents your case effectively. Their expertise can be
particularly beneficial in complex cases or when navigating the nuances of financial and relationship
UK Immigration Solicitors Choosing between a UK Spouse Visa and a Fiancé Visa depends on your
individual circumstances, including your relationship status, financial situation, and future in the UK.
Each visa has its own set of requirements, benefits, and limitations. Understanding these differences
is crucial for making an informed decision. For personalized guidance and support in this process,
consider reaching out to. Their team of experienced professionals can help you navigate the
application process, ensuring the best possible outcome. Contact them at 0203 483 4389 for expert
immigration advice.