PHP is a modern framework for software development, offering significantly more freedom in terms of an organised code pattern and the ability for the applications we provide to perform better. When there is a security violation, the security component in both CodeIgniter and Laravel acts quickly. Laravel’s syntax dictionaries are elegant and expressive. The following are the distinctions between Laravel and CodeIgniter:

Differences between CodeIgniter and LaravelCodeIgniter vs Laravel: Choose the Best One for Web App Development

PHP 7 support is available.

PHP 7, the server-side programming language, contains a variety of unique features and developments. The new functionalities enable programmers to improve web application speed while decreasing memory utilisation. PHP version 7 is supported by both CodeIgniter and Laravel. Nonetheless, a number of developers have expressed their frustrations with designing and testing CodeIgniter apps on PHP 7.

Module-based manufacturing

Most developers divide large and complex web apps into a number of little modules to make the development process easier and more efficient. Laravel was designed with modularity in mind. It allows developers to divide a project into digestible chunks using a bundle. Users can reuse the components for multiple projects. Nonetheless, the modularity features are not incorporated into the design of CodeIgniter. Modular Extension must also be utilised by CodeIgniter developers to create and manage modules.

support with databases

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Bi, and MongoDB are among the databases supported by both PHP frameworks. In the battle of Laravel vs CodeIgniter, however, furthermore supports a plethora of databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, orientdb, and JDBC compatible. As a result, CodeIgniter supports a greater number of databases than Laravel.

Design of database schemes

Despite supporting a number of popular databases, CodeIgniter does not provide any specific functionality to facilitate database schema migration. Although Laravel’s emphasis on DB-agnostic migrations makes it easier for developers to update and share the application’s database schema without having to rewrite extensive code, this is not the only advantage of this approach. The developer can easily generate the application’s database schema by combining the Laravel-provided schema builder and the database agnostic migration.

ORM fluency

In contrast to CodeIgniter, Laravel allows developers to use Graceful ORM. They can practise utilising the object-relational mapper (ORM) framework to work more successfully with a range of databases by creating Active Record. Due to the precise model of each database table, users can also interact directly with databases using Fluent ORM. The model can be used to perform everyday tasks such as adding new records and running database queries.

Template Engine Integrated

Laravel website development like Blade, offers a simple but capable template engine. PHP programmers can use the Blade template engine to improve and manage views in order to represent the web application as efficiently as feasible. However, it does not appear that CodeIgniter includes a built-in template engine. To fulfil everyday chores and increase website functionality, developers must combine the framework with strong template engines such as Smarty.


The routing settings in both PHP frameworks are essentially comparable. However, Laravel’s capabilities enable developers to route requests in a simple yet effective method. The majority of a website’s routes can be defined in a single file by programmers utilising Laravel’s routing functionality. Furthermore, each basic Laravel route accepts a single URI and closure. Users can still register a route that can respond to several HTTP verbs at the same time.

The Learning Curve

Laravel has a larger footprint than CodeIgniter. Laravel, on the other hand, has greater functionality and resources than CodeIgniter. Because of the additional capabilities, Laravel is tough to learn. Learning all of Laravel’s features and properly using it, on the other hand, takes more time and effort on the part of newbies. Students learn to understand and use CodeIgniter in a short period of time.CodeIgniter vs. Laravel: The Right Choice in 2023? - Geekflare

Community Assistance

They are both free PHP frameworks. Furthermore, each framework is supported by a large community. Despite this, many web developers believe the Laravel community is considerably more active than the CodeIgniter community. When developing web projects with Laravel, developers usually find it easier to access online help and quick fixes.

To choose the best PHP framework, developers must analyse the characteristics of Laravel and CodeIgniter depending on the unique needs of each project.

If statistical data were studied, Laravel appears to be considerably superior to CodeIgniter. The findings of Sitepoint’s 2015 poll, which ranked Laravel the most popular PHP framework out of a massive 7800 entrants, support this. CodeIgniter, according to the report


If you want to construct a robust and maintainable application, Laravel is a good choice. There is a large community, accurate documentation, and the capacity to construct highly complicated online applications. Many PHP developers still use CodeIgniter to create medium to tiny apps in a simple environment. You can make the best selection by considering the benefits and downsides of each in light of the unique project.