In the age of social media, it’s not enough to just publish content. You need to get a lot of people talking about you and your site in order for it to be successful. Guest posting is one way bloggers can build their audience and generate buzz around their blog posts. But how do you know if a particular guest posting opportunity is right for you? Here are some tips on what makes an effective guest post:

Choose your topic wisely.

When you’re writing a guest post, it’s important to choose a topic that is relevant to your audience. This can be tricky if you’re new in the industry and don’t know what topics are popular yet. But there are ways of finding out! For example, check out the most recent articles on topics like “how-to’s” or “best practices.” Or try doing an internet search for “top X.” The more specific and easy-to-parse these terms are (e.g., top blogging tools), the easier it will be for readers looking for answers about what they should buy next time around because their current product isn’t cutting it anymore – even though that could just mean changing browsers settings or updating plugins instead of buying new hardware!

Also, consider whether or not this particular product is something that speaks directly back at who wrote the said article; if so then maybe try contacting them directly instead of trying through Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn etcetera until someone responds back within 24 hours (or however long they usually respond).

Keep it short, sweet and to the point.

  • Keep it short, sweet and to the point.
  • Do not write a novel!
  • Do not include unnecessary information (i.e., don’t describe the process of making an apple pie).
  • Don’t link out to other websites; instead, provide links directly in your article text itself as hyperlinks (or use images for this purpose).

Use your own voice.

The most important aspect of guest posting is to use your own voice. If you’re worried about sounding like an idiot or coming off as someone who can’t write, don’t worry! You’ll be fine! But if you want people to take notice of what you have to say and how well it’s presented, then the way in which you convey that information needs to feel natural—not forced or unnatural.

When writing for someone else’s site, try not to mimic their style too closely; instead, focus on telling the story that makes sense for the piece as a whole: maybe one paragraph might sound more like an essay than another paragraph would (and vice versa). In other words: don’t try too hard!

Be generous with links back to your site.

  • Link to your site in the author bio. This is a simple way to get more exposure to your content, and it’s a great opportunity to share some valuable information about yourself or what you do. Make sure that any link you include is relevant, though—don’t just say “I’m an author” without adding any context around that statement! You don’t want people who read this guest post wondering if they should follow you on social media or buy one of your books or attend an event at which you’ll be speaking later this year.
  • Link back directly with keywords within the text (such as “Click here”). This makes sense because readers will see those words while they’re reading through each paragraph/sentence of text; if they happen upon something interesting enough then they might want more information on why it was included there instead of somewhere else – so now we’ve got two options: either visit one of these websites ourselves (which could be beneficial) or tell them about how awesome our blog posts were by mentioning specific sentences/clauses/phrases etc…

Be sure to optimize for keywords throughout your article.

  • Be sure to optimize for keywords throughout your article.
  • Use the keywords in the body of your article, in titles and subheadings, and wherever else you can think of. Include them in URLs, the anchor text on links (this is especially important), and meta descriptions.

Find guest posting opportunities on sites that are relevant to yours or related.

  • Choose a site that is relevant to your industry.
  • Look for sites that have a large readership and established reputation.
  • Look for sites that are well-known and respected in your industry.

Guest posting is a great way to develop relationships with other bloggers, build brand awareness and promote your content

Guest posts can be published anywhere, but they’re usually written by the owner of that particular blog or site. You’ll probably want to select a platform that has an active community (e.g., WordPress) and has high traffic—if you’re promoting your own content elsewhere on the web, this means working backwards from where people will see it in order to find sites where you might be able to get published as a guest writer.


We hope these tips have helped you get a better idea of what goes into guest posting. There are countless opportunities out there and it can be difficult to navigate all the different sites, but if you follow our advice and keep an eye out for relevant opportunities, chances are good that your next post will appear on someone else’s site!