Professionals use several strategies to efficiently and safely remove wallpaper from walls. These strategies can vary depending on the type of wallpaper and the condition of the walls. Here are some common techniques employed by professionals:

Assessment: Professionals start by assessing the wallpaper and the surface beneath it. They determine the type of wallpaper (e.g., vinyl, paper, fabric-backed) and how it was applied (glue, adhesive, or paste). They also check for any damage to the walls that might require repair.

Preparation: Before beginning the wallpaper removal process, professionals take precautions to protect the surrounding area. This typically involves covering floors and furniture with drop cloths and taping off areas that shouldn’t get wet.

Scoring: Wallpaper removal often starts with scoring the surface of the wallpaper. Professionals use tools like wallpaper scoring tools or utility knives to create small perforations in the wallpaper. This allows any removal solution to penetrate and loosen the adhesive.

Application of Removal Solution: Professionals apply a wallpaper removal solution or mixture of water and wallpaper adhesive remover to the scored wallpaper. This solution helps dissolve the adhesive and makes it easier to peel off the wallpaper.

Wait Time: After applying the removal solution, professionals allow it to sit for a specified period to ensure the adhesive has softened sufficiently. This waiting period can vary based on the specific product used and the wallpaper type.

Peeling or Scraping: Once the wallpaper has adequately soaked, professionals of wall texture removal carefully begin peeling or scraping it off using putty knives, wallpaper scrapers, or their hands, depending on the wallpaper’s condition.

Boston Plastering employ these strategies with the expertise and precision that comes with experience to ensure a successful wallpaper removal process without damaging the underlying wall structure.