BS Software Engineering is a four-year undergraduate program on software development principles and practices. The subjects covered in this program include mathematics, computer science fundamentals, programming languages, database management, software design and architecture, algorithms and data structures, software testing and quality assurance, software project management, and human-computer interaction. 

Students pursuing BS in Software Engineering must also take courses in general education, such as English composition, social sciences, and humanities. By studying these subjects, graduates of BS Software Engineering are well-equipped to develop, maintain, and improve software systems in various industries.

Core Subjects of BS Software Engineering:

The core subjects of BS Software Engineering typically include computer science and software engineering courses. These courses are designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the software development process and prepare them for various roles in the field. Some of the core subjects of BS Software Engineering may include:

BS Software Engineering

Computer Programming: 

This course introduces students to programming languages and basic programming concepts such as data types, variables, control structures, and functions. Students learn to write code in popular languages like Java, Python, and C++.

Data Structures and Algorithms: 

This course covers the design and implementation of data structures and algorithms used in software development. Students learn how to analyze the efficiency and complexity of algorithms and use data structures like arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues.

Software Engineering: 

This course introduces students to the software development process and software engineering principles. Students learn about software requirements, design, testing, and maintenance, as well as software project management and software quality assurance.

Operating Systems: 

This course covers the basic principles of operating systems and their role in software development. Students learn about processes, threads, memory management, file systems, and synchronization.

Database Systems: 

This course covers the design and implementation of database systems. Students learn about data modeling, relational database management systems, SQL, and database design principles.

Elective Subjects of BS Software Engineering:

In addition to the core subjects, BS Software Engineering programs typically offer a variety of elective courses that allow students to specialize in a particular area of software development. Some of the elective subjects of BS Software Engineering may include:

BS Software Engineering

Web Development: 

This course covers the design and development of web applications using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

Mobile Application Development: 

This course covers the design and development of mobile applications for iOS and Android devices.

Artificial Intelligence: 

This course covers the principles and applications of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Computer Networks: 

This course covers the principles and protocols of computer networks, including network architecture, security, and administration.

Software Testing and Quality Assurance: 

This course covers software testing and quality assurance principles and techniques, including test planning, automation, and defect management.


In conclusion, BS Software Engineering is a comprehensive undergraduate program that prepares students for a career in software development. The core subjects of the program provide students with a solid foundation in computer science and software engineering principles, while the elective courses allow students to specialize in a particular area of software development. With a BS Software Engineering degree, graduates can pursue careers as software engineers, developers, web developers, mobile app developers, data analysts, and more. Read more here!