Turkey and Germany share a longstanding and robust trade relationship that has benefited both nations for many years. Germany, as Europe’s economic powerhouse, and Turkey, a strategically located country bridging Europe and Asia, have found mutually beneficial opportunities in trade. In this blog post, we will explore what Turkey exports to Germany and shed light on the key commodities that fuel this dynamic trade partnership.



Turkey and Germany have maintained a strong trade partnership, with Germany being Turkey’s largest trading partner in the European Union. This relationship has evolved over the years, thanks to various trade agreements and a shared commitment to economic cooperation.


Exports from Turkey to Germany play a pivotal role in this trade partnership. Turkish exports to Germany as per Turkey Export Data report have shown consistent growth, making Germany one of Turkey’s top export destinations. The commodities traded between these two countries encompass a wide range of products, reflecting the diverse nature of their economic cooperation.



  1. AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS: Turkey has established itself as a significant player in the automotive industry. Turkish automakers produce a variety of vehicles, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and buses. Many well-known automakers have production facilities in Turkey. These vehicles find their way to German consumers, contributing substantially to Turkey’s exports to Germany.


  1. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: Turkish manufacturers supply Germany with machinery and equipment used in various industries, such as manufacturing, construction, and agriculture. These products are highly regarded for their quality and competitiveness in the German market.



  1. TEXTILES AND APPAREL: Turkey has a well-developed textile and apparel industry, known for producing high-quality garments and textiles. Turkish textiles, including clothing and fabrics, are exported to Germany, catering to the preferences of European consumers.


  1. FOOD PRODUCTS: Turkish cuisine is renowned for its flavors and diversity, and this culinary richness is exported to Germany. Turkish food products like olive oil, dried fruits, nuts, and confectionery items have gained popularity among German consumers, making them a significant export category.



  1. CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICALS: Turkey supplies Germany with various chemical products, including petrochemicals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. These products are vital for several German industries, including pharmaceuticals, plastics manufacturing, and chemical processing.


  1. ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Turkish electronics manufacturers produce a wide range of products, from household appliances to consumer electronics. These goods find a market in Germany, contributing to Turkey’s export revenue.



  1. FURNITURE AND HOME DÉCOR: Turkish furniture and home décor products have gained recognition for their quality and design. German consumers appreciate the craftsmanship and style offered by Turkish manufacturers, making furniture exports a notable category.


  1. JEWELRY AND PRECIOUS METALS: Based upon Turkey Trade Data statistics, the nation is a leading producer of gold and jewelry. Turkish jewelry exports to Germany cater to a diverse customer base seeking high-quality jewelry and precious metal products.



  1. STEEL AND IRON PRODUCTS: Turkey has a robust steel industry, and German industries rely on Turkish steel and iron products for various applications, including construction and manufacturing.


  • AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS: Turkish agriculture provides a variety of products to Germany, including fresh and dried fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Turkish produce is known for its taste and quality, making it a preferred choice for German consumers.




Turkey’s exports to Germany encompass a diverse array of products, ranging from automotive and machinery to textiles, food, and chemicals. This breadth and depth of trade demonstrates the robust and mutually beneficial relationship between the two nations.

As the world evolves, so will the trade dynamics between these two nations, opening new avenues for economic collaboration and growth. The Turkey-Germany trade relationship remains a testament to the power of international cooperation and economic interdependence. For more future updates, contact TradeImeX today and start building your portfolio with us.