The urinary bladder acts as a storehouse for the expulsion of urine it is a triangle-shaped organ which is located in the lower half of the abdomen which actually with the help of the sphincter helps in the easy and controlled passage of urine out of the body. The urinary bladder is as same as the cerebrum in the central nervous system; the urinary bladder is where the ureter drops in all the excess waste.

One of the best urologists in Ludhiana who has been treating quite a lot of patients with bladder issues explains this using an example, the urinary bladder is like the government royal treasury where all citizens (the ureter) basically the tax departments pour in all the excess waste that is collected from various parts of the body and then expelled or disbursed out of the body for the welfare of the citizens in this case the body organs.

The urinary bladder thus has a very prime role in the functioning of the urinary system, a minute fault in the bladder can result in severe consequences, therefore any kind of surgery with regards to the urinary system or the kidneys or anything with regards to the excretory system is only done after careful consideration of all factors, routine checkups and a series of tests.

Definition of bladder augmentation 

When we talk of bladder-related surgeries the most common form of surgery that comes to people’s minds is bladder augmentation. When we say augmentation in medical terms refers to adding or strengthening or enlarging the size of a particular organ to increase its working efficiency. Bladder augmentation is a surgery in which the bladder is augmented or enlarged using surgical procedures to increase the urine retention capacity of the same.

When is a bladder augmentation recommended?? 

Bladder augmentation is recommended only after a routine number of tests and after a series of medical procedures only after a green signal is given by the Urologist considering the factors of age, condition of the kidneys, and other factors, thus I would advise people before having jumped into conclusions please do visit a urologist and take his or her medication at first, see if the symptoms are subsiding and only then after a routine period of tests and procedures can only a certified urologist tell whether to opt for a surgery or not” explained one of the best urologists in Ludhiana.

What happens after bladder augmentation surgery?

After bladder augmentation, the bladder may not be able to expel the stored urine biologically. Most patients must learn to pass a catheter through the urethra or a specially created opening into the bladder. This catheter allows the bladder to empty. This is called “clean intermittent catheterization” (CIC). After surgery, it’s important to do CIC regularly so the bladder doesn’t stretch too much or tear. The catheter or the tube thus acts as an aid and a regulator when it’s concerned with the functioning of the bladder and maintaining its efficiency without leading to any kind of damage.