At the point when it comes to the soundness of your affected ones, you will pick the eating regimen which is best and best. Organic Soya Chunks were introduced because we have a thorough understanding of this. Because it has a higher protein content than milk, eggs, or meat. They are effective in replacing meat. They are delivered in chunks. These chunks can be used to make stew, soup, vegetarian dishes, curry dishes, and many other dishes after being soaked in water until they become spongy.

Soya chunks are an excellent alternative to meat-based foods for protein intake. Soya chunks are healthy for both young and old, and vegans should consider them.

  • Soya chunks give you a total nourishment diet because of their protein wealth and other nutrients, minerals, and fibre.
  • Optimize digestion and bone health; assist in lowering cholesterol levels; amplify metabolic activity throughout the body; contain a high amount of folic acid; and ensure that infants are not born with neural tube defects.

Organic Soya Chunks’ Nutritional Information –

Organic Soya Chunks are available in packs of 50g, 80g, 220g, and 1 kg. You can purchase the pack that best meets the needs of your family. The price of Soya Chunks is also relatively cost-effective. The majority of the recipes that we can assist you with include a gram measurement for 1 cup of soya chunks.

Organic Soya Chunks’ Protein Content –

The highest protein source is 52 percent Dhaakad Protein in Organic Soya Chunks. Assuming that it is deficient in protein and you are confused, attempting to sort out what to surrender to make up for this lack, then the Natural Soya chunks are ideal for you to give them. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes can all be given a healthy makeover.

Instructions to Utilise Soya Chunks

Stage 1: Add 4 cups of water and a pinch of salt to 1 cup of Rakesh Soya Chunks. In the case of the sweet dish, don’t use salt, and boil it for five minutes.

Stage 2: Presently channel and wash the pieces with new water.

Stage 3 – Daintily Press out the overabundance of water and use it as required


Organic Soya Chunks are made from defatted soy flour, which has a protein content comparable to meat and is a by product of oil extraction. The texture quickly becomes soft and spongy when submerged in warm water or added to the gravy. Because their nutritional profile is comparable to that of several non-vegetarian foods, they are called “vegetarian meat.” Additionally, soya chunks can be cooked to have the same flavour as non-vegetarian curries and are adaptable. It is fueled by polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, and sodium, which help the body’s metabolism and vital organs function more effectively.