If you’re doing business in the Philippines, obtaining a GMP certification is highly recommended for your company’s success. Find out what GMP stands for and how it can help improve customer safety and give your business an edge over the competition.

What is Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification? 

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification is an internationally recognized attestation that verifies a company’s commitment to producing quality products and services. It is designed to ensure a consistently safe and effective product cycle, from production to receipt of the finished product by the customer. GMP certification requires companies to adhere to strict guidelines related to design, testing, documentation and packaging as set out in applicable laws and regulations. Obtaining this accreditation can help you gain a competitive advantage in today’s markets while reassuring regulators that your business meets or exceeds all safety standards.

Understand the Advantages of GMP Certification.

GMP Certification identifies your business as being fully compliant with the Philippine Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. This mark of excellence proves that your company is dedicated to protecting customers by ensuring products are safe, of consistent quality and meet all applicable regulatory requirements. Not only does this increase public trust in your company but it also allows for smoother product launches, expanded market opportunities and a more robust financial standing.

Additionally, businesses that acquire GMP Certification are better prepared for customer audits, legal proceedings or insurance claims. Companies operating with a GMP Certificate are viewed as more reliable and trustworthy by their stakeholders, allowing them to win more contracts or higher bids in competitive markets. The certification also serves to motivate your staff as they can take pride in the quality of their work and products.

Benefits of Achieving GMP Certification in the Philippines.

There are many advantages that come with achieving GMP certification in the Philippines, such as customer satisfaction and trust in your business and products. Customers will be more likely to choose certified companies, knowing that their products have been evaluated and approved by a reliable third party. This not only increases sales, but helps strengthen customer relationships through good customer service. Additionally, certified businesses can market themselves as reliable, safe and efficient with the help of the accreditation, providing a competitive edge over non-certified companies.

Moreover, GMP certification requires businesses to comply with regulatory standards that guarantee the quality and safety of pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. Therefore, achieving GMP certification helps companies stay up-to-date with international regulations and demonstrate their commitment to producing quality products. Achieving GMP certification also improves operational efficiency by providing a set of best practices for improved operation, storage and handling of medicines in order to prevent any cross contamination or product damage. Lastly, certified organizations are entitled to take part in government tenders, allowing them greater opportunities for business growth.

Demonstrate Quality to Customers and Regulators.

A GMP Certification allows your business to demonstrate its commitment to quality products and services through a credible and internationally recognized attestation. By displaying a GMP certification, customers can feel confident that the products they buy are safe, compliant with relevant regulations and produced using best practices. This can give you a competitive edge in local markets, making it easier for customers to choose your products over those of another company without such accreditations. Regulators will also take note of this verified seal of approval, reducing the need for frequent inspections while still ensuring product safety.

Obtaining a GMP certification in the Philippines involves passing a rigorous inspection from third-party auditors to ensure that production takes place in clean, safe and sanitary working environments. Companies must also provide evidence that their employees have the knowledge and skills to produce quality products according to international standards. Upon passing the assessment, companies are awarded with a GMP certificate issued by the Accreditation Body authorised by Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Accreditation is valid for a duration of three years at which point re-accreditation requirements can be determined and sought.

Overview of GMP Requirements in the Philippines.

Companies seeking GMP certification in the Philippines must follow the guidelines set out by the Food and Drugs Administration, which include points such as proper documentation of all procedures to ensure product safety, clear labelling of products, and employee training. They must also submit an application that outlines their quality control measures, sanitation processes and equipment design. In addition, they must provide proof of third-party and/or self-inspection with regard to these aspects. Finally, companies may be required to pass additional protocols such as a plant audit or site inspection. With all these requirements met, businesses can receive their accreditation from the FDA and use it to build trust and credibility among customers.

Being GMP certified ensures that products consistently meet quality guidelines and regulations. As such, companies in the Philippines must demonstrate their commitment to providing only safe and reliable products to customers. Receiving GMP certification not only improves customer trust and satisfaction, but also allows companies to export to a larger market. Additionally, it helps businesses access preferred trade agreements as well as access funds from financial organisations that require compliance with specific certification standards. Certified companies must continue to comply with the rules and undergo regular inspections by authorised personnel for continued accreditation.