Neck pain is a common condition for many of us. With neck pain, it will be difficult for you to perform your daily activities and it may demand you to rest most of the time.


Various conditions cause neck pain, and it can affect the spine, muscles, and ligaments around the base of the skull. Sitting for long hours at a desk in front of a computer screen and poor posture are common causes of neck pain. It can cause extreme discomfort, resulting in your ability to work. 


When you have persistent neck pain, it is necessary to identify the root cause of your pain. Otherwise, there will be a recurrence. At PEAK Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation, our highly skilled physical therapists deliver neck pain relief in Williamsburg, VA. We provide superior quality and personalized neck pain treatment, ensuring accurate assessment and beneficial treatments. 


It would be beneficial to get educated about your condition before you begin the neck pain relief in Williamsburg, VA. This blog will enhance your knowledge about the type of neck pain and how physical therapy in Williamsburg, VA can help you relieve your neck pain. It will help you go through the treatment with ease. 

What Is The Source Of My Neck Pain?

Symptoms of neck pain are felt directly around the neck and sometimes in the upper arms, shoulder blades, forward, and hands. Whether your neck pain is a result of sudden trauma or a severe spine injury, if the source of your neck pain is not treated by physical therapy in Williamsburg, VA, it can turn into chronic neck pain

Generally, neck pain is divided in two categories – 

  1. Localized Neck Pain

Pain around the neck may result from mechanical issues related to pressure and strain of the muscles. It may also spread to the shoulders. Poor posture can harm your neck, resulting in chronic neck pain. When you suffer from localized neck pain, you may feel stiffness, tenderness, tightness, and reduced range of motion. A correct posture taught by neck pain relief in Williamsburg, VA, can reduce stiffness and pain. 

  1. Nerve-related Neck Pain 

Nerve compression or cervical radiculopathy can cause pain in the shoulder, arm, and hand. Many reasons are responsible for cervical radiculopathies, such as disc herniation and stenosis. You may also feel a tingling sensation in your arms and hands. 


If you do not get timely treatment for neck pain relief in Williamsburg, VA, you will have weakness in the muscles of your arms, shoulders, and hands. You will also lose sensation in the upper extremities. So the earlier you connect to physical therapy in Williamsburg, VA, the quicker you recover.

How Do I Know If I Need Treatment For My Neck Pain?

You must contact physical therapy in Williamsburg, VA, for persistent neck pain or radiating symptoms in your arms. Our physical therapist will evaluate you and help you determine if you need further testing. We will also educate you about the root cause of your neck pain so you can make the necessary lifestyle changes. 

How Can Physical Therapy Help Me With My Neck Pain?

At PEAK Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation, our comprehensive physical therapy evaluates your neck pain and determines the root cause of your pain. Based on your evaluation, a treatment plan is prepared for your neck pain relief in Williamsburg, VA. Our physical therapists will evaluate your posture, conduct a neurological screening to check if any nerves are involved, do mobility testing to see how your neck is moving and do strength testing for your neck and arms. You will gain knowledge of postural alignment to practice it in daily life.


The neck pain treatment will include the following –

  • Manual Therapy

It restores your motion with a hands-on technique and unique mobilization of the joints in the spine. Some manual processes may cause you pain, but you will see positive results in the long run.

  • Strengthening Exercises and Posture Training 

You will undergo weight and TRX training at physical therapy in Williamsburg, VA. It complements manual techniques and to address the muscle imbalance that develops from prolonged poor posture.

  • Ergonomic Analysis 

Ergonomics is designing equipment and work tasks to confirm your capacity. It assesses a person’s working environment, ensuring it is fit for use.


Physical Therapy Williamsburg, Va provides ergonomic assessments. It considers the relationship between you, your tasks, and the environment in which they are performed. We provide means of adjusting the work environment and work practices to prevent injuries before they occur. If we find a mismatch between the physical requirements of the job and your physical capacity, we advise you to use external support. 


Are you searching for a neck pain treatment near Williamsburg, VA? Call us at (757) 241-5129, and book an online appointment now! Peak Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation will help you understand the human body’s interconnectedness and identify the factors contributing to neck pain.