The tenth month of the year is when all the greens dry and shed, longing for the new ones to grow and live long until the same time the next year. October is when the summers lose their heat and the winters prepare to sneak in. Hence, those born in this month are privileged to feel both, the fading warmth of scorching summers and the mild coolness of the approaching winters. Letting go of rotten memories and despicable experiences in one’s life and adopting the iridescent hues of life is what the tenth month preaches us and so do the birthstones designated to it.  


Sea of Endless Possibilities of October Birthstones: Opal and Tourmaline  

Both the October birthstones have a huge color palette to offer the October folks with all the rainbow hues in addition to myriads of contrasting color combinations exhibiting exquisite color-shifting capabilities. 

The opals are one of the rarest stones that are famous for their “play-of-color”, that is, most of these stones are said to possess the ability to change colors to those present in a rainbow. This mystical phenomenon has given inspiration to several writers who contrasted the stone with the majestic volcanoes, the vibrant fireworks, and even the ceaseless galaxies. 

The other in the line is the “stone with mixed colors”. The pink tourmaline gemstone is another cryptic gemstone displaying a range of hues in a single crystal. Due to their vast array of colors, they were often confused with other gems, like red tourmaline in ancient artifacts was taken for ruby while the green ones were thought to be emeralds until the species got its distinct identity in the 1800s.


The Irresistible Spell Casted by Pink Tourmaline

Though the multi-colored stone has several color varieties known to the world, one of the most cherished ones is the pink-tinted tourmaline gems. The stone is extracted in a range of light pink colors to hot pink shades in transparent or opaque forms from Afghanistan, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar-based mines. As a symbol of ravishing love, this stone could be the best gift to celebrate your eight years of togetherness with your partner on your 8th wedding anniversary.

pink tourmaline jewelry

Differentiating Between the Real and Fake Pink Tourmalines

To find out whether the pink stone you are going to purchase is a real pink tourmaline, you should observe if the stone displays some brownish tint when placed under artificial light. Another way to qualify a stone as tourmaline is to look out for some flaws in the stone since all the naturally mined tourmaline varieties have inherent inclusions in them. So if the one you come across lacks either of the two or both the features then you could be sure that it’s not a real tourmaline but a fake one. 


The Deep Significance of Pink Tourmalines

The soft velvety pink color, in general, is associated with the heart and the throat chakra which allows it to open and deeply cleanse the heart by providing emotional stability and inner strength to combat difficult times. 

Representing feminine thoughts and humanitarian beliefs, the pink tourmaline possesses the power to attract passion for love and develop compassion for others along with the feeling of empathy.

The stone is also recommended by astrologers to those who suffer from immense depressive thoughts and anxiety attacks to offer them peace of mind. Apart from this, the stone also enhances better understanding and improves the listening capabilities of the wearer.


Final Thoughts

The pink color is said to be the most popular among women and girls of all ages which makes pink tourmalines the best choice for them to decorate their engagement or wedding rings. Gemstones of lighter to darker pink shades carved in any shape could serve as the centerstone for your October-born partner for you to confess your love and longing for them with a promise ring or to give them your lifetime commitment with an eternity ring. Various gemstone experts at GemsNY would love to assist you in curating the best pink tourmaline jewelry that complements your lover’s exceptional charm, so do visit our showroom or browse our official website to connect with us.