Selection of a WordPress theme for your website is something that needs to be done with utmost care. This is because the theme holds the entire website together, and it impacts the entire website. Many a time, it is found that web design firms get unpleasant results after installing a theme, and it affects the performance of the site. This is more of a reason why selecting responsive WordPress themes is essential after thoughtful consideration of the same.    

A website is the face of your business on the internet. No matter what efforts you put into the marketing of the business, the website is where your every effort shall convert. This goes for both small and large businesses or organizations. We understand that searching for responsive WordPress themes can be difficult. We also understand that there might be multiple confusion about the factors to watch out for while selecting a theme. This is what we will discuss in this article to make sure that you end up selecting the right theme for your small business website. 

Let’s begin!  

Platform Compatibility

For small businesses, it is imperative to pick a theme that will help them maximize the functionalities and look of the site. This brings to the forefront the need to select a wordpress website theme that prioritizes performance as well. Such an approach will ensure that the website looks great and performs effectively for the users.  

But what if the site is working great on one of the browsers and fails to impress when accessed through other devices or browsers? This means that the theme you selected is not compatible enough with every device and browser. Such a decision often leads to you losing out on a chunk of website visitors because the site is inaccessible. For small businesses, this is a major setback because they require greater reach to scale their business. With a poorly executed theme, their reach will be affected directly.   

Clean and Smart Design 

According to the latest web design trends, sharp and minimalistic websites rake in the most number of visitors when compared to others. Such visual appeal makes the website look a lot more luxurious and connects with the users instantly! Audiences generally prefer to stay away from websites that are too cluttered and overwhelming. Less is more, and this is so apt for the web design domain. 

This means that if you do not choose responsive WordPress themes and instead opt for something that is flashy and overwhelming, you might lose out on users. And being a small business owner, the single most important goal should be to achieve greater reach rather than anything else. When your website has got too many unnecessary transitions, elements, images, and content, people might move to your competitor with a cleaner site. The modern user base is definitely more inclined towards minimalism in web design.  

SEO Friendly 

Every wordpress web design agency will agree that SEO is the king if you wish to rank the website on search engines. While it is a fact that you can initiate SEO practices on the website to get better rankings, all efforts will show results if the theme works against it. If you wonder how will a theme prevent my SEO activities from bearing fruit, the reality is SEO is a lot more than just the keywords. 

There’s a reason why responsive WordPress themes have taken over the market and are so popular among users. In order to rank a site, Google strictly takes into consideration the site’s overall performance. Theme directly impacts the overall speed of the website. So if you select a cool and flashy theme for the site with a lot of animations and transitions, it might slow down the site substantially. As Google considers site loading speed as an important parameter for ranking a site, if your theme loads slowly, it will directly impact the SEO ranking. Hence, all efforts in SEO will go in vain if the theme selection is not done carefully!  

Compatibility with Plugins

When you discuss your requirement with an expert offering web design services for small business, they’ll definitely suggest the use of plug-ins. WordPress is known for offering an extensive range of plugins that can boost the overall functionality of the site. These plugins function to make SEO better on the site, track user activity, analyze traffic, and a lot more! 

If your website cannot use these plugins, it will miss out on such immensely valuable functionalities. Also, themes can hinder the performance of costlier plugins, which you might have got for your site to make it function better. Casually crafted themes hinder these plugins, and they can directly impact the business. This is why checking the compatibility of the theme and plugins before choosing a theme is essential.    

Pick a Customizable Theme 

Always keep in mind that in order to establish a unique brand identity, your wordpress theme should be customizable. Your small business will grow into a major brand in the near future. This is why it is essential to pick responsive WordPress themes that can efficiently handle the growth of the business. Always remember that brands are associated with the design on the site, which is why theme selection needs to be apt right at the beginning. Any major change in theme would lead to rebranding activities for the business. Hence, choose wisely!   

You can also ask your partner wordpress web design agency to create a customized theme according to your brand guidelines. When your website stands out visually from the others, it has a higher chances of attracting more traffic.  


The 5 tips mentioned above are sufficient to ensure that you end up choosing the right responsive WordPress themes. If you consider the business requirements and match them to the theme of your preference, you will understand the limitations and benefits. If the theme is too limiting in nature, it is advised to stay away from the theme as it will hinder your business growth later. Ask your partner WordPress web design agency to deliver a unique-looking site but not at the cost of the site’s essential functionalities.