In today’s fast-paced world, bad driving habits can quickly become ingrained in our daily routines, leading to increased risks on the road. Whether it’s distracted driving or neglecting basic road etiquette, these habits can compromise safety for drivers and other road users. Fortunately, refresher courses offer a valuable opportunity to identify and rectify these habits, promoting safer and more responsible driving practices. In this blog, we’ll explore seven common bad driving habits that a refresher course can address effectively.

1. Distracted Driving:

One of the most prevalent and dangerous bad driving habits is distracted driving. With the proliferation of smartphones and in-car entertainment systems, drivers often find themselves tempted to check messages, browse social media, or watch videos while behind the wheel. 

A refresher course underscores the importance of staying focused on the road at all times, highlighting the potential consequences of distracted driving, such as accidents, injuries, and legal repercussions. Techniques like mindfulness exercises and setting mobile devices to “Do Not Disturb” mode are taught to help drivers stay attentive.


2. Tailgating:

Following too closely behind other vehicles, also known as tailgating, is a common habit that can lead to rear-end collisions and road rage incidents. Refresher courses stress the importance of maintaining a safe following distance, allowing for adequate reaction time in case of sudden stops or emergencies. 

Techniques taught in a refresher course, such as the “three-second rule” are taught to help drivers gauge proper spacing between vehicles, promoting smoother traffic flow, preventing overtakes, and reducing the chance of accidents.


3. Speeding:

Exceeding the posted speed limit is illegal and significantly increases the risk of accidents and injuries. Refresher courses stress the importance of heeding speed limits and adjusting driving speeds according to road conditions, weather, and traffic density. 

Drivers in a refresher course are educated about the potential consequences of speeding, including fines, licence points, and higher insurance premiums. Defensive driving techniques, such as scanning for potential hazards and maintaining a safe speed, are underlined to promote safer driving habits.


4. Failure to Signal:

Proper turn signal use is essential for communicating intentions to other drivers and pedestrians on the road. However, many drivers neglect this basic courtesy, leading to confusion, misunderstandings, and potentially dangerous situations. 

Refresher courses emphasise the importance of using turn signals consistently and effectively, whether changing lanes, merging, or making turns. Drivers are reminded of the legal requirement to signal before manoeuvres and taught techniques for proper signal usage in various driving scenarios.


5. Rolling Stops:

Coming to a complete stop at stop signs and red lights is a fundamental rule of the road, yet many drivers engage in rolling stops, where they barely slow down before proceeding. A comprehensive refresher course reinforces the importance of full intersectional stops, highlighting the need to yield to pedestrians and other vehicles. 

Techniques for approaching intersections safely, scanning for cross traffic, and executing controlled stops are taught to prevent accidents and promote compliance with traffic laws.


6. Impaired Driving:

Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medication is a dangerous habit that can have severe consequences for both the driver and others on the road. Refresher courses handle the risks associated with impaired driving, including impaired judgement, decreased reaction times, and increased likelihood of accidents. 

Drivers are educated about the legal limits for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and taught strategies for avoiding impaired driving, such as designating a sober driver or using alternative transportation options.


7. Aggressive Driving:

  1. Aggressive driving behaviours, such as tailgating, speeding, and weaving between lanes, contribute to road rage incidents and escalate tensions on the road. Refresher courses promote courteous and cooperative driving habits, encouraging drivers to remain calm and patient in challenging situations. 

Techniques for managing stress and frustration behind the wheel, such as deep breathing exercises and listening to calming music, are taught to help drivers maintain composure and avoid aggressive behaviours.



A refresher course offered at AH Driving Tuition Automatic plays a crucial role in identifying and rectifying common bad driving habits that can compromise safety on the road. By addressing issues such as distracted driving, tailgating, speeding, and failure to signal, the course helps promote safer and more responsible driving practices. Through education, awareness, and practical techniques, drivers can overcome their bad habits and contribute to a safer road environment for everyone.