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Most companies have accepted hybrid work as part of their routine. It’s an irreversible trend or maybe no longer a trend but a truth now. However, a hybrid organization shall be supported by a productive hybrid workplace to ensure working efficiency and smooth coordination between team members.

Here are 7 tips for you to build a productive hybrid workplace that encompasses hardware, technology infrastructure, and seamless coordination.

Unified Communication Systems

Use a unified communication system that integrates various communication channels, such as email, instant messages, voice calls, and video conferencing, into a single platform. This kind of system brings flexibility and enables timely communication from both in-office and remote members under different circumstances.

Besides internal coordination, some unified communication systems integrate with CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and hybrid workers will get alerts and see all the important messages and information from important contacts.

Video Conferencing Infrastructure

For more formal and equal meetings in which both in-office team members and remote workers will join, a hybrid meeting room equipped with a video conference system is necessary.

The meeting room devices shall enhance people’s hybrid meeting experience. For example, in order to have members from all seats well seen, pick a wide-range 4K web camera; to have everyone heard clearly, use daisy-chain microphones for a large meeting room. AV Access eShare W80 is a wireless conferencing system that will integrate your meeting room gear (including the webcam, microphone, TV display, etc.), enable team member to bring their own device (BYOD), and hold a hybrid meeting wirelessly.

Remote IT Support

For remote workers, getting tech support is no longer as easy as when they are in the office. For medium and large-sized companies, remote IT support is important. Establish a dedicated IT support system to assist remote employees with hardware and software issues.

Tech problem can be small and easily tackled but when it is not, it can put a halt to your work. Offering remote IT support ensures that technical problems are addressed promptly, minimizing disruptions to work.

Digital Project Management

Utilize digital project management tools to coordinate and track work across dispersed teams. Tools like Asana, Trello, or Jira enable employees to collaborate on tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress, promoting efficient teamwork.

Managing a hybrid team effectively can be really challenging. Having projects and tasks of your team well organized and reported via a project management tool can be extremely helpful.

Cloud-Based Collaboration Tools

If you are not building up a customized unified communication system for your organization, consider a standardized cloud-based collaboration tool. That can be well enough in most cases.

You can embrace cloud-based collaboration tools and facilitate seamless communication and productivity across distributed teams. Platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Lark provide features such as video conferencing, file sharing, and real-time collaboration on documents.

Scheduling and Calendar Sharing

Some unified communication systems and collaboration tools support real-time calendar sharing. For a hybrid team, team members are working from different places, sometimes even from different countries. Time gaps could cause problems for coordination.

Smart scheduling and calendar tools shall consider employees’ preferred work locations and time zones. This ensures that meetings and deadlines are coordinated efficiently, taking into account the availability and preferences of all team members.

Data Management and Accessibility

Centralize data management to ensure that all employees, whether in-office or remote, have secure and equal access to essential resources. Use cloud storage solutions like Google Drive or Dropbox for easy accessibility and collaboration on shared documents.


How to design your hybrid work model? These are some tips from experts. Undoubtedly, investing in technology like a hybrid meeting system, UC system, and project management tool can empower your employees to work effectively from any location.