In the profoundly serious conditions of Automobile/Manufacturing, organizations are tested with three concurrent and similarly ground-shattering objectives: 

  1. Give top-notch product meeting or surpassing customer expectations 
  2. Produce sustainable volume
  3. Delivering on time

To find true success in each of the three, the Quality Management System (QMS) standard IATF 16949 Certification has been developed to give direction to these enterprises. The particular assumptions for IATF 16949 are upheld by the Quality Core Tools (QCT). When applied appropriately, these tools are the worth-added strategies and procedures that make it feasible for an association to accomplish every one of the three objectives.

What Are Quality Core Tools?

These Core Tools are characterized as five supplemental strategies, as well as tools that support the expectations for IATF 16949. These tools are reported independently through the distribution of five manuals accessible through the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). 

The customary five core tools are recorded in their request for use while planning products or cycles.

  1. Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)
  2. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  3. Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)
  4. Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  5. Product Part Approval Process (PPAP)

Let’s see each IATF 16949 Core Tools exhaustively and comprehend how to use them

  • Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)

APQP in one sentence: “Do we understand the expectations and have an organized arranging process for it?”

APQP is the process structure for growing new product or cycles determined by time-sensitive achievements and characterized sources of info and results. This record adjusts the maker’s capacity to meet customer requirements through standardized communication and reducing quality design intricacy.

The APQP cycle comprises 5 stages:

  • Stage 1: Arranging
  • Stage 2: Product Plan and Advancement
  • Stage 3: Process Plan and Improvement
  • Stage 4: Product and Cycle Approval
  • Stage 5: Input and Seamless Improvement
  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

FMEA in one sentence: “What can turn out badly all the while or item, and how bad could it at any point get?”

FMEA is a risk approval strategy for assessing possible methods of failure, the outcomes and seriousness of those disappointments, and activities to forestall or relieve those disappointments.

There are many sorts of FMEA including plan (DFMEA), process (PFMEA), framework, programming, and so forth.

FMEA’s risk inspection is focused on by 3 classes:

  1. Seriousness: How gravely does the gamble influence clients?
  2. Occurence: How frequently will the gamble occur?
  3. Detection: How simple is it to recognize the gamble?
  • Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)

MSA in one sentence: “How would we realize the tools we’re utilizing for measuring are accurate?”

MSA is a statistical analysis of the reliability of the whole measurement framework. It assesses whether the fluctuation in the measurement cycle is inside OK resistances and that any unsatisfactory resilience might be because of hardware/gage, administrator, strategy, natural, and so forth errors.

MSA is characterized by 2 sorts of measurement variety:

  • Accuracy (near target)
  • Precision (near one another)
  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)

SPC in one sentence: “How would we know our cycle (individuals, tools, environ, and so forth) is reliable?”

SPC is a statistical technique for quality control that gathers and investigates inconstancy information from product and process estimations, the objective being to figure out what falls inside process capacity and restorative activities for what falls outside process capacity.

Variety in manufacturing has two classes:

  1. Common reason variety: Variety that is typical and part of the standard cycle.
  2. Special reason variety: Variety that is unusual and not piece of the standard process.

The 14 most utilized SPC tools include:

Quality control tools:

  1. Pareto graph
  2. Cause and effect chart
  3. Stratification 
  4. Check sheet
  5. Dissipate chart
  6. Control diagram (generally well known)
  7. Histograms

Supplemental instruments:

  1. Progress focus
  2. Information stratification
  3. Sample size determination
  4. Defect map
  5. Randomization
  6. Event logs
  7. Process flowchart
  • Product Part Approval Process (PPAP)

The Product Part Approval Process (PPAP) is the main business standard that guarantees designing plan and product detail requirements are met without prevention. It gives a rule through which providers and customers understand the necessity to get part certification for supplier-made parts. It applies to all parts and commodities.

Further, it diminishes delays and non-conformances during part certification. It tends to subtleties relevant to configuration records to guarantee detectability of part plan status at the beginning and controls the anticipation of a process change process, in this way giving a certification outlet to all changes to guarantee conformance for the powerful groups.

What is the Takeaway From Automotive Core Tools?

The New Product Introduction (NPI) periods of product and cycle improvement, as well as unambiguous circumstances like experienced failures or technical changes, include the uses of the QCT. An expert can conclude the following in the wake of assessing the Quality Core Tools:

APQP gives time and exhortation to all activities and tools engaged with product and process anticipation and control, including the leftover QCT. It incorporates requirements, details, unwavering quality/plan objectives, primer special highlights, and booking.

The plan FMEA risk evaluation gives calibrated explicit qualities, testing information sources, and plan improvements. Process FMEA Risk Assessment considers potential process defects, improved process execution, and management methods for remarkable qualities.

MSA guarantees the check frameworks utilized for one-of-a-kind trademark estimations, which is fundamental for accurately distinguishing item quality imperfections.

SPC shows process capacity and solidness for one-of-a-kind qualities determined by DFMEA and PFMEA in any case.

The PPAP shows that all special highlights have created remarkable controls or arrived at a level of strength and capacity that is OK.

Significance of Automotive Core Tools

The Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ), estimated in the manufacturing area, is the cost connected with handling and product failures. Contrasted with the business chiefs, below-average producers are 5X bound to cause consumptions connected with scrap, revising, absconds, retesting, and reviews.

The best producers have COPQ scores of under 1%, while disappointing makers have scores of 5% or more. Consequently, by resolving issues, especially deadly errors, before they become critical issues after a product has been distributed, the 5 QCT preventively limit COPQ. Further developed shopper and supplier communication and cognizance assist with achieving this.


All in all, mastering IATF 16949 Certification and the 5 core tools is essential for progress in the profoundly serious auto and assembling enterprises. These tools’ viz: Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), Statistical Process Control (SPC), and the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), give an extensive system to guarantee of good items, sustainable creation volumes, and convenient deliverance.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can altogether decrease the expense of low quality, improve communication among purchasers and providers, and at last achieve greatness in group or surpassing customer expectations. 

Embracing these quality management practices prompts functional effectiveness as well as encourages a culture of constant improvement and hazard relief, fundamental for keeping an upper hand in the business.