Are you considering liposuction as a way to achieve your desired body shape? Or maybe you have already undergone the procedure and are curious about the results? Look no further, as Delray Beach Plastic Surgery and Dr. John G. Westine are here to provide you with all the information you need before and after liposuction. With years of experience, Dr. Westine is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in various cosmetic procedures, including liposuction. Keep reading to learn about the process, results, and important tips for before and after liposuction.

The Process of Liposuction

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. It is often performed on the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and chin, among others. The process of liposuction involves ma+king small incisions in the skin and using a thin tube called a cannula to suction out the fat. This procedure can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the extent of the surgery.

Before Liposuction

Before undergoing liposuction, it is crucial to have a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. John G. Westine. During the consultation, you will discuss your desired results, medical history, and any potential risks or complications. Dr. Westine will also evaluate your body and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

It is important to be in good overall health before undergoing liposuction. This means maintaining a stable weight and having realistic expectations about the results. It is also recommended to quit smoking and avoid taking certain medications, such as aspirin, that can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.

After Liposuction

After the surgery, you will need to wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and support the healing process. You may experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling for the first few days, but this is normal and can be managed with pain medication. It is essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your plastic surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery.

The Results of Liposuction

The results of liposuction are not immediate, as there will be swelling and bruising in the treated areas. It can take several weeks for the swelling to subside and for the final results to be visible. However, most patients are satisfied with the outcome of their liposuction, as it can effectively remove stubborn fat deposits and improve body contour.

It is important to note that liposuction is not a weight-loss solution and should not be seen as a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after liposuction is essential to maintain the results and prevent weight gain in other areas of the body.

Important Tips for Before and After Liposuction

– Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly before and after the procedure to maintain optimal results.
– Quit smoking at least two weeks before and after the surgery to reduce the risk of complications and promote healing.
– Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol and caffeine before and after the surgery to prevent excess swelling.
– Have realistic expectations and discuss them with your plastic surgeon to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
– Follow all post-operative instructions provided by your plastic surgeon to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

Contact Delray Beach Plastic Surgery

Liposuction can be an effective way to remove stubborn fat deposits and achieve your desired body shape. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, such as Dr. John G. Westine from Delray Beach Plastic Surgery, and follow all pre and post-operative instructions for the best results.

Remember, liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, and it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results. Contact Delray Beach Plastic Surgery at (561) 278-3245 to schedule a consultation and learn more about before and after liposuction.